❁Chapter Four❁

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I hop into the back seat Maria's Jeep.

"Hey, I'm always shotgun!" I jokingly yell at Constance because she's taking up the passenger seat. She and Maria laughed at my remark.

"Not today sister!" Connie says putting on lipstick in the front mirror. "That dipshit say anything else?"

She's talking about Derek of course, my idiot ex boyfriend who texted me this morning begging for me back. I ignored his text but he's been trying to get a hold of me all morning.

"Yes, he won't stop." I roll my eyes, even though they can't see me from the back seat. "It's actually getting annoying. I'm soon going to have to block him."

"I'm surprised you haven't done it already." Maria says in her cute giggles. She has the windows of her Jeep open, which blows her curly hair in every which way.

"Actually I'll do that right now." I take out my phone and block his number. My eyes drag across his desperate text messages. He's a cheater and will always be, I'm never going back. "I'm honestly so done with men, I'm not dating for a long while. I'm better off."

"I don't think anyone will be able to keep up with you anyways Katy" Connie says putting away her makeup. I can tell she's tired, her eyes get dark the day after a party.

"Now that we are all in the car, Connie will you tell us what happened at the party? You never went back home?" Maria asks curiously. Connie smirks in silence. "Come on, tell us!"

"Ok fine! It's not even a big deal. I must have partied too hard and passed out or something, because I woke up on Tatum's floor." Maria and I gasp.

"Like the rich guy?!" I say, my mouth hanging open.

"Yeah." She answers blankly. "And he was saying how crazy I was last night and how I've never partied wilder. I have no idea what he was even talking about, I never party wild."

"Oh shit." I say in awe.

"He's probably just lying to get you going. I'm sure it's nothing. But it's definitely not like you to pass out on someone's floor" Maria always with the wise words.

"I just can't get it out of my head that maybe I did do something I shouldn't have." Connie looks out the window, worried. She pauses. "He really does get on my nerves though. He even knew I was passed out on the ground."

"What a dick" I exclaim.

"He sounds mean" Maria agrees.

"What about Maria, anything new?" Connie asks her.

Maria shrugs, "Not really, excited to check out that flower shop though. Want to get some for Nana."

"Oh how is she doing?" I ask. Maria's Nana is like an angel on earth. She's been raising Maria her entire life and she's the sweetest thing. She loves me and Connie very much.

"Not bad, sales have been low at the store lately so that has been hard on her. But besides that she's doing good." Maria says, smiling at the thought.

"There's a new clothing shop that just opened, so I really want to go there." Connie says.

"Oh I heard they sell more sport clothing. I need new hiking shorts, mine are wearing out." I say, half talking to myself.

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