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"Have you made sure he had the medicine? " A authoritive voice echoed through behind the closed doors of a luxurious chamber.

"Yes luna... There is no mistake.... You can belive me" The person answered confidently because she knows she did the work properly, giving the birth control medicine without informing the person in taking it.

" Ok, You are dismissed for now... " The queen commanded. After bowing with due respect the servant finally leave the chamber.

Several minutes have passed but she kept on sitting at the same place in complete silence.

Therefore, She walked through the side of the bed to reach a old hidden locker in her room. With an old key she opened the old locker and take out a portrait, a portrait of three happily smiling individual in their adolescent, spreading the innocence and beautiful colours of youth.

With a sly smirk she took the portrait to sit over her rocking chair.

"He just look like you Nabi, same eyes, same lips....... " She uttered while tracing her fingers over the sweetly smiling girl on the portrait who looks similar to taehyung.

"But... His nose and hair is different... Just like his father .........Kim taehyun.... "
Her laughter bubbled forth, a bitter symphony echoing through the room, mingling with the shadows that danced in the corners.

"Are you having fun... Hmm.... Let me guess....... I think no.... How can you when you are witnessing the suffering of your dear children, one is now incompetent to even walk on his own and another one (laugh) who is selling his dignity to save the other person..... Isn't it a great news... Hmm....? " She muttered to herself while looking at the portrait.

"Umm... You should know evey thing... And I will make sure to deliver the complete details of how your son warming the bed of an alpha.... Everyday... As a slave..... I want to see the pain in your eyes, the helplessness , I want to hear your pleading... It's very essential to calm my soul. "She muttered phycoticly.

Her words hung heavy in the air, a tangible miasma of scorn and contempt, as she savored the imagined agony of her nemesis.

With a final, scornful glance at the smiling male figure etched in the portrait, she tucked the piece of paper away, a damning testament to her resolve.

Exiting the confines of her chamber, she issued commands to her butler, the wheels of fate set into motion as the horse carriage awaited its mistress. The journey unfurled like a tapestry of shadows and whispers, the landscape morphing into an ominous tableau of desolation and dread.

 The journey unfurled like a tapestry of shadows and whispers, the landscape morphing into an ominous tableau of desolation and dread

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After one hour of journey she finally reached a abandoned dark forest, the sun rays even fear to enter there. With a smirk of satisfaction she ventured into a hidden place leaving the guards behind, a place covered with eerie silence and dread.

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