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" In An eerie dark corner of the castle a man was standing.. Maybe waiting for someone, after few minutes some people arrived..

"What's the situation? " A deep voice echoed through the silence.

"I-its perfectly done master we buried them alive.... " A man informed with a stuttering voice.

"Are you telling the truth.. " The man stated which sounds like a secret warning for the alpha standing in front of him.

"Of course master.. Why would iie to you... We are very capable of doing this type of things.. Moreover they were weak... It's wasn't much bother to us.. " The man gave out a nervous chuckle standing in front of the dead serious man.

"Um... I am be living it.... But if I find out you lied then your place will be the hell and I will myself show you that... "

"Here... Take it and get out of my sight for good.. " The man handed him a bag of gold coin and he left.

"Hey... Why did you lied to him..? " When the scared alpha on his way out another one whispered in his ear.

"If that cruel man heard that we weren't able to finish the work he gave us he would have been surely killed us in the most brutal way possible...... Did you get it.... I don't wanna die so it's better to tell some lies to keep the soul in our body alive... Moreover they aren't gonna come back here again... So we are safe in this matter... "He whispered back then quickly ran out from there along with his friend.


A cold hush falls over the vast castle grounds, spreading through every hallway, room, and nook with a chilling unease. Everyone, from the humblest servant to the highest-ranking noble, feels the heavy weight of fear and apprehension hanging in the air, enveloping the palace in a sense of impending doom.

In the grand halls, broken pieces of objects lay scattered on the floor, resembling fallen soldiers after a lost battle. Each fragment tells the story of the chaotic storm that has swept through the peaceful palace, reflecting both the broken state of the surroundings and the troubled emotions of its inhabitants.

In the mess, sits the alpha, a strong and imposing figure. His face, usually full of power, now shows deep sadness and pain.

As he sits among the ruins, it is as if the destruction surrounding him is a reflection of the devastation that grips his own heart, mind, and soul.

No one dared to move from their places, they are literally shivering after witnessing the earlier events of the alpha's rage.

"Son.... "

The took a sharp breath when the luna approached his son with slow hasty steps.

"Son.... What happened to you? Why are you behaving like this? "

"Where is he? " It came out hoarse, a little bit weak tone.

"Who? " She snickered although she clearly knows what his son is talking about.

"Where.is.my.omega... " Jungkook said calmly but each word emphasizes clarity and demand.

"Your omega is here, she is waiting for you for days... She will be very happy to see you... " Hara chuckled softly, trying her best to act normal and oblivious to her son.

"SHE IS NOT MY OMEGA!!! " He murmured, clenching his jaw fisting the peace of glass he was holding all the time and this time the fresh hot blood ozed out profusely.

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