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Isabelle Skyla Oliver

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Isabelle Skyla Oliver

"Izz, look." My head turns to face my older brother, a little disorientated. I had spent the last stretch of the trip with my head in his lap, just watching YouTube on Roman's phone he so graciously lent me.

I looked out the window to where Theo was pointing.

It was difficult to spot what he was showing me through the thousands upon thousands of towering trees but when I saw I almost let out a gasp.

"Is that where you live?" I ask Roman, in utter awe.

"It is." Maddox drives in front of a clearing and for the first time I get a glimpse of the whole house, it is pretty big, a wooden, rustic-looking house with big glass windows and a balcony that wraps around the upper floor of the house.

"Do you like it?" Maddox asks me, meeting my eyes in the review mirror, I sink back into my chair, it wasn't that I found Maddox scary, in fact, I knew I was completely safe with him but there was something about his demeanour that made me shy.

So instead of verbally answering I give him a single nod before refocusing back on the house that was coming into view.

"Down there is where the lodge is." Roman points out and I nod looking. He had told me that our dad had started a resort that he now manages. "Because of the trees, they can't see what happens up the house and we can see if there's any commotion down at the lodge."

"Is there ever?" Theo asks, looking up from his phone where he replies to one of his gazillion friends I'm sure.

"Once in a while." Roman answers him.

"RJ." Maddox gains Roman's attention, I had also learnt that Roman's middle name was Jacob and Maddox only really called Roman, RJ, and he nods his head towards the house, specifically the three cars sitting in the driveway.

"I told them we'd see them tomorrow." Roman frowns.

"They're excited to see Theo again," Maddox answers, the two of them once again sharing a silent conversation that can only be deciphered by the two of them.

Theo and I watch the two of them, our eyes bouncing between them trying to understand the information they were not saying aloud. It wasn't that hard, I knew it was about me.

I was still unknown by all the brothers.

"I thought I taught them how to follow instructions in kindergarten, I guess that lesson didn't sink into their thick skulls."

Both Theo and I snicker quietly, trying not to draw attention to ourselves.

Maddox stopped the car in front of the house and just like he had done earlier he opened my door for me helping me out of the car. I look up at him through my lashes, shyly at the massive mountain man.

"Thank you," I say quietly, before quickly moving back to Theo's side.

Theo gives me a knowing look, shaking his head in amusement at my behaviour.

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