Chapter one.

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The young woman stood with her back to the things that were creating the horrific noises. In retrospect she knew that it wasn't a good idea to do. But couldn't help herself. The only thought that went through her head was if she couldn't see the piercing red eyes then they weren't really there. The noises would have to be the wind going through the trees that were clumped together to the right of the path she'd been wondering down, with unharmful animals that joined in.

Only the lie she'd fabricated couldn't last too long. She still hadn't managed to find her way home yet through the confusing streets. Much to her dismay, she turned back to walk the way she'd come, the other way only appeared to lead further out of the town in the opposite direction to where her hotel would've been.

Adeline took the first tentative step forward and shivered while she pulled her frayed coat closer to her body in a futile attempt to ward off the growing sense of unease, before a sudden shadow had befallen her. She followed it up her head tilted at a funny angle to see the man who didn't look much older than her, possibly only 20, was now directly in her way. Only millimetres away. His hair mussed up as if he'd been running recently. Only his clothes weren't fit for running. A plain pair of dark jeans, formal shoes with a regular dark coloured top on. A dishevelled smirk on his lips. It took her a couple of looks to realise he had fangs that protruded from the top onto his bottom lip.

"It isn't Halloween yet. No where near it." She said in greeting to him.

Adeline was on edge with him. First, he was a stranger; second, he was standing too close for comfort and third he had yet to speak.

The man's eyes roamed over what she was wearing instead. He looked back and forth between the trees to where she stood. Almost as if he was debating with himself. He continued to remain expressionless other than that smirk. Adeline decided it would be better to go around him herself instead of waiting in the same position for him to be polite enough to move out of the way. She sidestepped only to find he did the exact same thing. Without looking as if he'd moved an inch in the first place.

Adeline could feel the annoyance bubble up. She glanced around to see if there was anyone else in the vicinity of them both to know how safe she was. When she noticed they were completely alone, the streets had become eerily empty. The noise from the wooded area got slightly more distant too. She shivered again but not from the cold.

She didn't understand what it was that the man wanted but she could only guess it wouldn't be good as he still had yet to utter a word to her. She curled her fingers up into the middle of her hands as she slowly slipped one hand into her pocket to place one of the keys from her keyring through the middle next to her middle finger. Adeline reckoned it would be enough to inflict some sort of injury for her to run away if necessary.

"Excuse me." She said to him sharply when she felt more prepared. He still didn't open his mouth to respond or move from where he stood in her way. Adeline huffed out in annoyance until her eyes landed back on the fangs that winked in under the low lightening of the streetlamp.

She no longer thought they could be as fake as she first thought them to be. They looked the exact same as real teeth.

"Look I don't know what you think is going to happen. But I'm leaving. Now please move." She asked politely with the last ounce of bravery she had left.

"They aren't fake." His voice was more of a whisper. She wasn't sure she had heard him speak until he patiently waited for her reaction.

"What?" She asked baffled as it finally caught up to her.

"My fangs. Aren't. Fake." He reiterated slower this time. There was a slight chill in his tone, like it could cut glass.

Adeline's hands trembled, she took one more look at them. His mouth now opened more for her to see all his teeth. No evidence with them being tampered with. She could see how sharp the ends were like a knife ready to cut in a frenzy.

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