Chapter seven

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Heard you got threatened. Did he say anything to you?

The text came half-way through her lecture. Adeline peeked down at the screen with a good idea of how Fayne had found out about the night. She mulled it over whether to say anything to him about what the guy had said about her being the key. She was glad Felix had kept that part to himself instead of telling his friend everything that she did or said. It was one of her fears in life. The option being taken away to reveal what information she wanted to share with who.

In the end she sent him a quick message back to say she would tell him later what the vampire had told her.

Adeline couldn't properly concentrate on the rest of her lessons. By the time her last class of the day had ended she was already out the door and headed to get food. The half day felt like a lifetime, they were piling on work left right and centre for them to know what their last year would be like the rest of the time. To keep them up to date with what they might've missed during their time off. Adeline was slowed down by the overly heavy books in her arms. She rested the sandwich against her chin and one of the books. With her head pointed downwards she tread speechlessly to the closest bench only just managing to reach it before the books spilled down onto its top. She cursed out as she managed to catch the sandwich at the last second to save it from the horrible fate of ending straight in the bin.

Adeline rejoiced as she pulled out her phone, she decided to call Fayne instead of texting to make it easier. Plus, it would make him take a break. She had an inkling that he didn't slow down often enough.

The phone rang a couple of times before he picked up.

"Y'ello." His voice rang out.

"Hey. Thought it would be easier to phone." She trailed off at the end.

"So, you promised me a recount of what he said." Fayne bluntly demanded.

Adeline re-counted all that she could remember word for word what the vampire had said to her, not leaving one part out of how he acted to her either. On the other end of the phone through parts her explanation Fayne growled so deeply, it rattled through so much her phone shook itself.

"So, its confirmed." He said at the very end. Adeline could hear him moving things around where-ever he was. It didn't sound as noisy as the pub so she wondered if she'd caught him out.

"I wasn't disturbing you was i?" She asked as an afterthought.

"Not at all!" He said disapprovingly.

"Did Felix help to tell you what all of it meant?" He asked one of his own questions this time.

"No. He was pretty tight lipped about all of it." She confided in him.

"That idiot. Anyone would think he was never taught any manners when he was." Fayne grumbled out, from the other side Adeline heard what sounded like someone was hit round the back of their head before a yelp followed.

Adeline didn't know what to think about that, not until she heard Felix's voice.

"My apologies. It wasn't done on purpose kitten. But you were already frightened enough-"

"-Not a real apology." Fayne gritted out interrupting him from rambling.

Adeline watched others from the university scatter around, she took them off speakerphone as more flooded into the courtyard to enjoy the abnormally sunny day that it was turning into. The off-white fluffy clouds moved away to leave the clear bright blue sky in its wake. She didnt have to worry about anyone coming over to disturb her phone call as her two friends had the day off. Or more correctly was nursing a hangover from the day before instead of attending. She didn't mind being so alone during the day; It gave her time to get some of her work done unbothered by their bickering or flirting. Or even their nagging to get her out more. She knew they meant well but it was sometimes both a blessing and a curse.

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