Chapter 5:

6 1 0

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Aidan groaned and hit his alarm clock, before tossing the blanket off of him. Normally he had no trouble getting out of bed, but today was going to be one of those days. He dragged himself out of bed, and glanced over at his mirror, flinching at how exhausted he looked.

Today he had to go to work, and he prayed that the two trespassers wouldn't find out where he worked or break into his house again. He shook his head, before going to the shower to get ready for the day. It wasn't until he heard something crash that he turned the shower off.

"I swear to god if they are in my house again."

Aidan got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He was going to check it out, but the thought of being naked and fighting if he needed to, didn't settle well in his mind. So, he quickly and quietly dried off and got dressed in his work clothes. He moved across his room and headed towards the kitchen with a pocketknife that he kept in his drawer.

Once he made it to the living room, he overheard Ian talking with whom he assumed was Thomas.

"Why are we doing this? You know, if you stay persistent, he won't do it," Ian said.

"You don't think he will?"

"No, we broke into his house twice. Let's go before he realizes we did it again."

"It's too late. You aren't exactly the quietest, what did you break Thomas?" Aidan asked, making himself known to the other two males in the room. Their heads shot toward Aidan in shock before Thomas had that irritating grin on his face that Aidan learned to hate.

"Hey, did you think about it?"

Aidan grunted in response and punched Thomas in the shoulder, hard. Thomas flinched and held his shoulder with a small pout. Aidan looked around Thomas and saw that it was a plate, and suddenly the smoke detector started to go off.

"I haven't got the chance; you guys were at my house late last night. I went straight to sleep and woke up to shower. Why the hell are you stealing my food?"

"Told you," Ian said. Thomas shot Ian a look before he put his hands up in advance.

"Okay, first I was gonna cook you breakfast to soften your cold heart. But uh, that is failing, isn't it?"

"Get. Out. Now."

"Okay, okay, but like when should we come back?"

"Like civilized humans? After work, after I get home. I will have my answer then."

"Alright! We will be here then! What time do you get off? So, we don't come in advance?"

"I get off at 6:00 unless there is overtime, which is rare. Now out. I gotta go."

He started to clean up the glass that was broken on the floor after turning the stove off. He stopped the smoke detector and went to open the windows so it would air out. He then tossed the food away, glaring at Thomas who looked like a child who was scolded by their mother.

After everything was cleaned, and his apartment didn't smell like burnt eggs, he grabbed his phone, keys, wallet, and headphones before leaving the apartment.

Thomas and Ian left the apartment with Aidan who locked it. He made a mental note to buy extra locks that can't be picked to keep these two out of his apartment.

"Hey Aidan, sorry about Thomas."

"It's fine, I mean it's not but put a leash on him."

"Hey, I am not a dog."

"Might as well be. Bye. Thomas, don't follow me either."

"I won't, we have something to do anyway," Thomas said, putting his hands up. Thomas and Ian walked in the opposite direction of Aidan, causing him to sigh. He started to make his way to the café, after inserting his headphones. He shook his head, looking at his watch, and realized he still had thirty minutes before he had to clock in.

I guess I can have breakfast before I clock in. I totally forgot to eat dinner last night.

As if on cue, his stomach growled, and he placed his hand on his stomach, rubbing it gently. Once he realized he was at the café, he yanked his headphones out and went to the counter.

"Aidan, what's up?" Zion asked and Aidan let out a desperate sigh.

"I was forced to go to the graduation party last night, things happened, and I am exhausted."

"Not hungover, are you?"

"Hell no, I don't drink."

"Good, anyway assuming you want breakfast?"

"Yeah, just scrambled eggs and toast. Something quick and light, water too."

"Kay, be right out."

"Thanks, man," Aidan mumbled. He went to the back of the store; glad they weren't busy. Normally if they were busy so early, he would clock in early and just wait until lunch.

Zion came out with a plate of eggs and toast and set it down.

"So, wanna talk about last night?" He asked, and Aidan bit into his toast.

"What is there to talk about?" His eyes met Zion's who raised an eyebrow with his arms crossed. Zion was older than Aidan by a good six years. Aidan would have never admitted it, but Zion was like an older brother, taking him under his wing sometimes. Zion actually helped Aidan get the job after his grandfather passed away. Zion was 5'11, had black hair, green eyes, and had muscles. Most women that came in would swoon over Zion, while most girls Aidan's age would swoon over him.

"You know what I mean, what exactly happened last night? Something happened that made you this exhausted. Even if you went to the party, you are never this exhausted."

"I didn't get home until close to 1:00 AM."

"You used to study later and go get midnight snacks at 2:00 in the mornin', so that isn't a good excuse."

"That's fair. Fine, sit down, I will try and sum it up in five minutes."

Zion took his seat and leaned against his hand. Aidan went over everything that happened, starting from graduation all the way up to having to kick strangers out of his home.

"... Are you okay though?" Zion asked, worried.

"I am fine, no need to worry about me."

"Of course, I am gonna worry about you. You are a brat, who seems to attract trouble wherever you go."

"I take offense to that. Anyway, time for you to get back to work and me to clock in."

"Yeah, yeah. Aidan?"

"Yeah, Zion?"

"Be careful around those guys, okay? Especially Orlando."

"I will, thanks."

Zion nodded and went back to check some customers out, and Aidan put his dishes in the dish room before grabbing his apron and washing his hands.

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