Chapter 18:

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Once AJ was done filling out the enrollment papers he left the school grounds. He stretched his arms, before seeing Ian standing at the gate. AJ began to walk a bit faster, but the closer he got, the more he realized Ian was talking with someone. Once he arrived, he stood next to Ian staring the person up and down.

"This guy right here, he will be the one doing the mission," Ian said. The older guy who AJ assumed was the client glanced at him up and down before turning his gaze to Ian.

"Him? He is just a kid?"

"Yeah, but he is more than capable. He will be able to get the work done, his name is AJ."

"I see, well as long as it gets done, and doesn't track back to me it's whatever."

"I can assure you, it won't," AJ said. The guy nodded his head and Ian nudged AJ out the gate.

"We should get going, you won't have to worry about anything from here on out," Ian said, turning his back to the client. AJ and Ian left, and once they were out of earshot, AJ turned to Ian.

"Were you meeting him or showing me where the new hideout was?"

"Kinda both, I had to deliver him a message from the boss. Figured it would be best to wait for you as well since you didn't know where our new base was."

"Fair point," AJ said. It fell quiet as they walked, mainly because the two were looking around. Japan was a bit different then what they were used to.

"I think I can get used to this," Ian said. AJ nodded his head with a small smile.

"Same, different, and I don't have to worry about knowing anyone that I went to school with here."

"You did not like your classmates huh?"

"As I said, they only wanted me to tutor them. I only did it because the teacher asked me to," AJ said. Ian nodded his head, before turning down another road.

"So how did the meeting with the Principal go?"

"Well, I have a feeling he recognized me but he didn't say anything. So I will have to make this job quick before he realizes I am that kid from America," AJ said.

"Man, you might as well be famous huh?" Ian asked and AJ shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, amongst schools, educators, etc. not to the normal eye though. I am just some kid."

"Well, when you put it that way. That kind of fame would suck."

"Eh, I like to be left alone, so I don't mind it. Hey, are you hungry?"

"I am, let's stop at one of the stands."

"Alright, let's go. You pay by the way," AJ said grinning. Ian's head turned towards him and his mouth dropped open.

"What? Why me?"

"Well, I am broke right now. I had to upgrade my equipment for better hacking purposes. So, yeah. You don't want your younger best friend to starve to death, do you? What would Thomas say?" AJ said with a grin and Ian glared at him.

"You cheeky little bastard, I should... no Thomas would kill me."

"Not that you could hurt me." AJ stuck his tongue out, and Ian huffed slightly.

"Has anyone ever told you that you were a jackass?"

"You and my grandpa called me a cheeky bastard."

Ian rolled his eyes but he smiled, before putting AJ in a headlock. AJ squirmed trying to get out of the hold.

"Stop that, people are staring," AJ said. Ian poked his side, which caused him to jump and laugh slightly. Ian eventually stopped and let AJ go, and AJ huffed glaring at him.

"I hate you sometimes."

"Is that any way to talk to your senpai? Who is about to buy you food?"

"If you think I am going by the honorifics here, you are crazy."

"Yeah, I figured as much. It was a good try though."

"It was a terrible try."

"Why are you always so negative, AJ?"

"Why not?" AJ asked and grinned. Ian rolled his eyes and stood in line at a dumplings stand. AJ glanced around not paying attention to his surroundings, Ian on the other hand was keeping an eye on everyone. That was when he noticed that a group of girls was glancing at AJ.

Ian nudged him, AJ looked at him confused and Ian nodded his head in the direction of the girls. AJ's eyes followed the direction and he mentally groaned.

"Quite popular with the ladies, aren't you?"

"Shut up, I don't want to be," AJ was soon cut off by a familiar voice.

"Aidan! Hey, how was the meeting with the Principal?" Aoki Hana asked, and AJ flashed her a small smile.

"It was good, I start tomorrow."

"Awesome, if you want I can wait for you in front of the gate. After all, I am the student president."


"Of course, he would love for you to show him around the school," Ian cut in. She looked at him before looking back at AJ.

"Awesome, oh is this your brother?"

"No, just a friend. An annoyance at that," AJ said with an eye-closed smile. She nodded and waved as she walked away with her friends.

"See you tomorrow!" With that, she left and AJ shot Ian a glare.

"I hate you."

"You are going to need to know your way around the school, so might as well. Plus she is cute, unless... you like someone else."

"Like who?"


"I am 16 years old, soon to be 17 in a few months."

"Doesn't mean you can't have a crush."

"Oh shut up, and order our food. We are next," AJ rolled his eyes pushing Ian to the stand. Ian only laughed before ordering for the two of them. AJ went and sat at a bench, and waited for Ian.

Once Ian was done, he sat beside AJ and handed him his food. The two ate in a comfortable silence as the people watched people.

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