Chapter 7: Mystery solved and Magic system

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"I found it!" Flicker says as I see her figure floating in the hallways, her tiny hands holding a book

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"I found it!" Flicker says as I see her figure floating in the hallways, her tiny hands holding a book.

I open the door to my room, pulling her inside, "Are you crazy?! If anyone saw a floating book in the hallway they would freak out." I hissed at her closing the door. 

"I was careful to be aware of anyone's eyes," she replied pouting.

"What do you find even?" I say exasperated rubbing my forehead. 

"This," she shoves the book on my face making me take a step back "the answer to your question about that white-haired guy, what was his name again-yeah Allan."

Giving her a pointed look, I keep the book away from my face in my hands, "Medeis Fleure..." I mumble turning the pages before coming across the main topic.

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Medeis Fleure: The Mana Current Mastery

In the ancient realms of the East, where magic intertwines with the very fabric of existence, practitioners delve into the intricate art of Medeis Fleure. This esoteric technique allows wielders to manipulate the flow of mana within their own bodies, transcending mere spellcasting and tapping into the very pulse of creation.

The Essence of Medeis Fleure

Harmonizing the Mana Streams:

Initiates of Medeis Fleure begin by attuning themselves to the natural currents of mana that course through their veins. They learn to sense the ebb and flow, akin to a river winding through their chakras. Through meditation and rigorous practice, they align their inner channels, ensuring a seamless flow of mana from the reservoirs within.

The Wrist Bind:

The pinnacle of Medeis Fleure lies in the ability to manipulate external mana flows. Expert users can extend their influence beyond their own bodies. Imagine a seasoned practitioner encountering an adversary—a rogue sorcerer threatening to unleash destructive magic. With a deft movement, the Medeis Fleure adept clasps the foe's wrist. Their touch disrupts the opponent's mana channels, creating a counterflow. The adversary's magic falters, stutters, and ultimately dissipates. The Medeis Fleure user becomes a living dam, blocking the torrent of power.

Medeis Fleure is not without controversy. Some view it as a violation of magical autonomy—a breach of trust akin to stealing one's breath. Others see it as a necessary safeguard against malevolent sorcery.

In the shadowed corridors of ancient academies, debates rage: Is it honorable to halt a fellow mage's power mid-cast? Or should Medeis Fleure practitioners reserve this technique for dire circumstances?

Regardless, the art persists—a delicate balance between mastery and responsibility. And so, in the moonlit gardens of forgotten temples, initiates continue their silent practice, their wrists bound by destiny and their mana intertwined with the very pulse of creation.

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