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Alaisha POV:

I sat up from bed and started to stretch, I slept so good, no nightmares or anything and it had been so long since I slept like that.

I had a slight headache though and after adjusting my sleep yes for a minute I realized I wasn't in my bed, nor was I in my room.

I quickly started to panic, my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest and fall on the floor.

I started looking around frantically then realized I wasn't alone, Zariyah was laying next to me sleeping peacefully. I sighed in relief then layed back down on my back.

After a second realization hit and I gasped then quickly covered my mouth not wanting to wake her. Why the hell am I still here and why am I not freaking at the fact I'm in her bed.

So many questions ran through my mind and after a minute I just said fuck it. See I read a lot I know how this goes and I refuse to be apart of the stereotype.

I'm the number one assassin in the world well was but that's beside the point. I've done way scarier things then wake up in some girls bed what I look like running away.

I turned on my right side and lightly tapped Zariyahs shoulder not wanting to scare her. If she was nearly as drunk as I was then I doubt she remembers anything from last night.

She started to stir a bit then squinted her eyes open. "Hmm" she groaned a bit and stretched but not a full stretch.

I tapped her again and just looked at her, I started to get nervous out of nowhere and suddenly I regretted my decision. Why didn't I just listen to the books, why'd I have to face it head on. See now I feel bad for speaking bad on all the girls that just left, I wish I was one of those girls right now.

I quickly turned on my back not wanting to look at her as she fully opened her eyes.

"Why'd you poke me", her voice was deeper and raspier than usual. It made my stomach drop to my toes.

Lord save me. The books did NOT lie, morning voices are top tier.

Oh no what the hell am I thinking, I don't even know this girl why am I feeling like this. This is so embarrassing, I hope she's not just looking at me.

I peaked through the corner of my eye and boom with my luck she was definitely looking at me.

I quickly looked back at the ceiling hoping she didn't notice me noticing her. "You not gon answer my question". Without looking at her I answered.

"Oh sorry what you say". I tried my best to hide how nervous I was feeling and I'm hoping it worked.

"Mmhm, I asked why you poked me".

I thought for a minute what to say before answering. "Why am I here".

" answering my question with a question isn't an answer". Once again my heart started to beat out of my chest. Lord I think I'm going to have a heart attack, I must still be drunk.

"I was just trying to wake you up, I don't remember anything".

"Oh". She sounded a little disappointed but i couldn't put my finger on why she was.

"Well I'll be back, do you need anything".

I just shook my head no and continued staring at the ceiling. I started to zone out while trying to recall the events of last night.

I remember eating and then Zariyah asked if I wanted a drink, I can usually hold my liquor pretty well but I had a lot and we smoked. I recalled bits and pieces like playing a few extreme rounds of Uno, and throwing up a lot.

Butterflies(femxstud)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ