Real me?

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"Yeah sure" i replied to her on call

After 15 minutes she arrives,

"Hey, i did not expect you to show up like this" I did not know what she was thinking about me

"I came here with my friend but he had something so he went off"

"Went off, huh? Or is he your wingman trying to give you some space with a pretty girl" she was smart

"hmm, he is  kind of my wingman, but he knew too there were no pretty girls so he left" i said with a smile

"Ha-ha very funny"

"Ha-ha i was just kidding"

"I know"

"He is not my wingman"

"You really got some nerve mister Zach"


I was just teasing her a little then out of blue she said this, which got me on the spot,

"Zach, are you really like this or is this one of your personality which you decide to show me"

And no she said this with such a serious tone it was like giving me an acupuncture treatment with very sharp needles, my whole body got Goosebumps,

"Oh..I..I am.." I was nervous for a while trying to form words, but it was getting harder for me,

"Hey chill! I was just kidding; to be honest I am sorry this is the game my friend taught me, but we are not friends anymore," she said being a little sad

"It's okay, and the answer to your question, I don't think I could ever be this smart to change my personalities depending on people, like you know, there are people who can, they know those tricks to pull on any girl they like and there is me, I mean I don't specifically have any problems with talking to people but, even if I try I just cannot be those..." as I was saying I realised I was talking too much

"I get it, so you wanna pull on girls too huh?"

She couldn't understand me

"I mean who doesn't? To put it simply I want girls but getting them by those tactics is a bit too much for me, like that dude in the party, I cannot make eye contact with you for that long in the first glance and just straight up walk up to you, I don't have that much confidence especially in front of someone as pretty as you" I said it all in one breath

"Woah, this is the first time compliments have felt natural to me" she said

"Why's that?"

"I mean as you said, that guy in that party, was attractive and all, but you don't wanna know what happened after that, oh gosh now if I remember about it...such an asshole" I wondered what did he do, but seeing her so normal about it I didn't bother to ask

"Sir, Ma'am, what would you like to order?" the waitress's tone was so formal that it was hard to believe she was Japanese

The waiter asked us, maybe wondering my social and eating capacity,

"Oh, what would you like to eat?" I asked out of habit

"Oh, no you don't have to, I didn't come here for food I just came here to meet you" she said probably being not sure what does she want

"Please, I called you here right? Then order something" she fixed her hair above her left ear

"Okay if you say"

"I would like to order ice tea" probably the safest and best option seeing this weather and our situation

"Okay, and you sir?"

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