A verse

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No, this is not a story part, 

A few things to be cleared up, 

the collage of characters...I am working on them, I will edit them soon enough and post them, before going on a break, 

I was just wondering what type of design to make,

Like Zach, I know it's the same name as  "My love esteem"

So I have to think about his collage, and Lucy is already pretty defined so it won't be hard for her to design, 

And yeah, Steven, and all the other characters, at first I decided to make only for the leading one like Zach,Lucy, but now i think they all deserve a design and theme,(Feel free to give thoughts)

And I also feel the need to change the cover of this book, I dont know if it suits it, 

this book is going to be long, unlike my other books, its going to have a lot of parts and a big story, 

Some verses:

A man and she did not surrender before to a Malian knight, in front of her eyes surrendered?! I return victorious with all my battles and in front of her innocent eyes I am defeated?! I am poet whose letters helped him love form the language of feelings is greater.

I have a thousand verses in eloquent I found it, but in love with it I stutter...

The novice met the man, the man full of mirrors, the reflection.
'You shall not leave me with the people I despair '
'whom shall I stop?'
My thoughts she says, I will follow you always I will follow you just not enough, carving her heart, tainting with another mirror of his,
One mirror always reflected her,
She was a novice of him and him a veteran of her,'what was my fault, she asks him'
The secrets I shall know,
'without me how can you grow?' the insecurities the, the deep conundrum I sow ,
The knight I have become wielding the only power I have , can you still polish me silver?
'No' novice full of rage, refuses the knight
The moon looks pretty,
My moon was you
The ocean was you , you were mine
My waves became blue
'once again I cry , I will drown with a rowing boat'
He absorbs the tears into him, they blend together
Oof! What a sight'!

See ya! ;)

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