Chapter 13

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Sorry, guys, for the late update. I have had something going on for the past few days. Btw,

Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to all Muslims out there! May Allah bless you with happiness, joy, togetherness, and hope for you and your whole family. Have a blessed Ramadan, everyone. Happy fasting. I hope all of you who are not Muslims have a wonderful and blessed day as well.

Athena was so happily dreaming about traveling around this new world once she escaped from Lucifer's grasp that she didn't even hear the sound of a car engine entering the gate of the villa.

From inside the car, Lucifer looks up at the dimly lit villa as he parks the vehicle in the driveway. He enters the villa and switches on the light in the living room. He heads to the kitchen for a drink after realizing that nobody is in the area. Upon observing the spotless and empty table, he laughs. Thinking that the little rabbit doesn't even cook for him, Lucifer's mouth couldn't help but evoke a doting smile that he didn't even notice.

Lucifer already took a shower after the 'interrogating time' earlier, so he just wants to freshen up before going to bed. He walks upstairs to their bedroom.

The moment he enters the room, he can only see dark hair scattered on the bed while the person's whole body is wrapped in the blanket like a burrito. He let out a quiet laugh at the scene in front of him. 'So this is her true self, huh'

He walks towards her side of the bed while adjusting the blanket so it doesn't suffocate her in her sleep. Once he properly tucks her in, he sits on the bed while gazing at Athena's sleeping face. Now that she sleeps, she looks so innocent and unguarded, not like when she was awake. He can see some unexplainable fear flash in her eyes sometimes when he's near. He likes it when he sees fear in everyone's eyes, but when he sees it in her eyes, he feels something uncomfortable looming in him.

He lowered his head. Lucifer looked at 'his' little bunny, who slept with a serene smile and a red flush face hidden under the blanket with an unreadable face. He couldn't help but lean down, place his face near her, and place a kiss on her forehead. Even he was shocked at his gentle action.

He caresses her soft face a little bit and heads to the bathroom to freshen up. After he freshened up, he lay on the bed and pulled Athena into his arm. His body slowly relaxed when he smelled the soothing fragrance from her body. He hugged her tight when he noticed that she kept moving in his arms.

"Hot" Athena mumbled while trying to escape from the source. Lucifer then relaxes his arm when he feels that she is no longer struggling. "Sleep, sleep." Athena unconsciously patted the hand that hugged her.

Lucifer smiled at her unconscious action and continued to sleep.


Athena yawned and stretched her arms, only to find them blocked by something. With closed eyes, she tapped her palms over the surface, and she could feel some hard, skin-like texture. She looked beside her and saw Lucifer's face close to her. This is the first time she has looked at Lucifer's perfectly carved face in detail. He has no blemish whatsoever. "Pretty"

Athena removed Lucifer's hand from her body and sat up to lean against the headboard. Only then did she realize that the surface that she touched was Lucifer's hard abs.

'Ah, he's naked.' Athena hides her face behind her palms, feeling shy that this is her first time watching a male body up close. She had seen other naked bodies when she traveled around the world in her past life, but not this close.

She peeked at Lucifer's body in between her fingers, and she saw something that piqued her interest. Athena removes her hand from her face and moves her face closer to Lucifer's body. Even her body is moving near Lucifer without her realizing it.

She intently watched all of Lucifer's tattoos on his body and arms. She traced the outline of the tattoo that attracts her, which is the cute little rabbit chasing butterflies on his ribcage. "Cute!" said Athena while still caressing the tattoo.

"I want one!"

"You want a tattoo?"

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