Chapter 19

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"Bye! See you later." Athena waved happily at Roman from the car window. Roman smiled and waved back as Athena's car drove away.

The atmosphere in the car doesn't feel uncomfortable. She properly wears the seatbelt and finds a comfortable position while telling Lucifer, "I'm hungry!"

Without reply, Lucifer turns the car around. "Where are we going?" asked Athena curiously.

"Eat" is all Lucifer replied.

She huffed, crossing her hands across her chest.

The rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence while one was driving and the other was sulking.

After some time, the car stops in front of a somewhat fancy diner, but there's no customer in sight. Athena's eyes widened in surprise as she followed Lucifer inside, wondering what kind of place he had brought her to for a meal. The smell of delicious food wafted through the air, making her stomach growl even louder.

Looking around the place, the price must be quite high, but she decided to trust Lucifer's choice and enjoy the meal.

After receiving the menu, Athena orders a lot of food without thinking about others. Lucifer just watches from the side without ordering. Athena felt the gaze on her, so she looked up to see Lucifer watching her intently. She thought Lucifer was maybe thinking that the many orders were for him because he hadn't ordered yet, so she said, "This is my food; you can order yours."

Lucifer just ignored her and glanced at the waiter who was serving them.

"Is that all?" the waiter asks.

"No, he hasn't ordered yet." Athena looked at Lucifer as if waiting for him to order.

"I'll have the usual," Lucifer said to the waiter. Athena curiously looks at Lucifer and says, "You have been here before?."

"This is one of the restaurants under my company," Lucifer simply said.

"Oh." Athena just nodded. 'Rich guy'

Her eyes lit up at the sight of the food being served. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement because there was too much food and she didn't know which dish to start with. The aroma wafting from the plate made her mouth water, and she couldn't wait to dig in.

Suddenly Lucifer hands her a napkin, saying, "Wipe your drool."

Feeling embarrassed, Athena quickly wiped her mouth and chuckled nervously. "Hehe, let's eat," she said sheepishly. Lucifer just said, "Eat."

Athena eats with relish while thinking, 'This guy is so cold. How can that Stella girl like this wood? Talking to him feels like talking to a tree.'

She's bored with the orange juice she ordered and looks intently at Lucifer's drinks, which come in a fancy bottle. She hesitates for a moment before asking, "What are you drinking?" Lucifer simply replies, "Bourbon."

She remembers that in her past life, her dad always drank that, but when she wanted to take a sip, she always got scolded. He said that she wasn't suitable for this type of drink. 'How does he know the drinks don't suit me when he doesn't even give me a taste?'

Her eyes water at the thought of her parents. 'I hope the original owner has nice parents.'

She focuses back on Lucifer and asks, "Can I try some?" Lucifer smirks and pours her a small glass, saying, "Careful, it's strong."

As she took a cautious sip, her face frowned at the bitter taste. She couldn't help but wonder if her dad was right about her not being suitable for this type of drink.

"Yucks," she muttered, setting the glass down. Lucifer chuckled at her reaction, amused by her distaste for the drink. She couldn't help but feel that the drink was too strong.

She called the waiter and ordered some wine instead, hoping for a milder taste that she could enjoy. As she waited for her new drink, she couldn't shake the feeling that Lucifer was enjoying her discomfort a little too much. 'Whatever I wonder whether this body can handle alcohol'


Sorry for this chapter, I guess. Stay patient, because tomorrow I will update another chapters before being busy with the university lab report and assignment~~~~~~

Sneak peek: Tomorrow's chapter is related to the last paragraph. Hehe, you can guess, right? 😜😜

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