[14] As Antagonist, Making Protagonist Fall is Basic, Right?

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"What did you say...?"


The sequence of quite familiar syllables caused Alvin's brain to be suddenly flooded with a sensation akin to an electric shock.

Details that were subconsciously ignored by his thoughts resurfaced, and a golden strand of hair, swaying in the wind, suddenly became remarkably conspicuous.

The magic resistance of an ultimate life form lifted the subtle veil that had clouded Alvin's awareness.



In the instant of realizing this connection, the obstructive sensation, like seeing flowers through mist, vanished without a trace.

Looking up at this orthodox Saber face, Alvin finally realized that he had encountered an unmistakable authentic version of the iconic ahoge!

He is super... stunned!

So that's it...

The predetermined as archenemies in the prophecy, the red dragon and white dragon of Britain were destined to clash in this lifetime.

Finally he found out why he went crazy before to the point where he changed his preference from women to men, apparently, the youth in front of him was Saber this world.

Alvin found a rational explanation for his emotional turmoil.

However, this couldn't change the fact that he seemed like a male tsundere.

...Painful, too painful!

The golden-haired youth's face, like the remembered countenance of King Arthur, was soft yet resolute.

How could King Arthur be a woman... Even the cold-blooded killer Emiya Kiritsugu would find such an exaggerated setup worthy of complaint.

So, in his world, Saber is a male?

Indeed, it made sense, but...

Why on earth?!

Originally simulating the Britain of the 5th century, the thought of meeting the living Artoria once excited Alvin. After all, within the vast sea of waifus, Artoria's strength, determination, and enlightenment were indeed eye-catching, like a star.

But more importantly... she was a blond, strand-of-hair tsundere beauty, with a delicate figure and an overall appealing appearance.

"Damn it! System, give me back my waifu!"

Just thinking about having to engage in a literal, powerful fencing duel with this youth in the future, Alvin felt that his prospects were bleak and dull.

Ah, this is the retribution for cause and effect, isn't it...

After shattering the illusion for the other party, it was Alvin's turn to experience heartbreak immediately.

Looking at the handsome golden-haired youth before him, Alvin let out a long sigh.

Who the hell wants the male to fall into darkness...

On the other side, after barely uttering his own name, Artorius saw Alvin's expression change, fluctuating between gloom and brightness. Finally, she let out a faint sigh, covering her face as if feeling somewhat disheartened, and sat in the wheat field...

Well, it seemed like his own immaturity had troubled him.

Yes, if he were in the other person's shoes, he wouldn't appreciate these almost sarcastic praises.

"Sorry, Sir Alvin. The wheat field is dirty and messy. Please get up quickly, so as not to soil your clothes..."

Looking at the hand reaching out to him, the fair skin of the arm was so delicate it almost resembled that of a woman. Alvin couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

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