[36] This World Is Not Worthy of My Submission

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[The two children at home went on a journey together, and the fields at home were gradually abandoned. The old knight generously handed over the management to you.]

[In your own experimental field and back at home, you now effortlessly traverse hundreds of miles as if it were as easy as putting on clothes or drinking water.]

[However, the witch in the honeymoon period still cannot tolerate even a moment of separation from you.]

[Since your sister has softened, there is no more battlefield of separation. So she joined your research, contributing ideas for your plan to produce grain in Britain.]

[Work on the fields when there's something to do, and feed the witch when there's nothing.]

[Morgan's unrestrained demands show no signs of abating. Rather, after you freed her switch, her needs are becoming increasingly fervent and daring.]

[Whether it's in the bedroom, the bath, the forest, or the fields.]

[Whether it's daytime, noon, dusk, or night.]

[You spread moisture everywhere, causing the grass and trees in the deep forest to flourish, blending together as if glued together.]

[Ambiguous and charming days pass by, and you seem to have entered into the calm and happy life once again.]

[Spring turns to autumn, and soon it's the golden harvest season. You excitedly show Morgan the nearly mature and plump wheat... a few days later, it all withers and decays.]


[Looking at the wheat fields that almost withered overnight, bathed in the bright autumn light, the fields present a bleak and decayed ash-gray color.]

[Your planting has failed.]

[...Why is this happening?]

[You and Morgan carefully examine the root system of the crops and find that due to absorbing excessive magic, they have accelerated their growth madly, skipped the mature stage, and directly entered the stage of decline.]

[No... this is unreasonable.]

[During the Clock Tower period, your research had already become very mature. Now in the Age of Gods, your magical abilities have made a qualitative leap.]

[There is no reason to regress instead of progress. This is not a crude mistake you would make.]

[And you visit your experimental field every day, the perception of the ultimate life form would not allow external disturbances.]

[This kind of failure... you can't find any reasonable explanation.]

[But you are not discouraged, nor do you feel disheartened. In the coming spring, you further expand the scale of your experimental field, carefully select more resilient varieties of crops, and sow them in batches.]

[Time flies, and as you pick flowers in the morning and evening, you gradually hear about Artoria's deeds, spreading throughout the island of Britain.]

[Slaying fierce giants, subduing tyrannical lords, annihilating the army... The 'Pure and Undefiled Knight Princess' gradually gains fame and stands out.]

[It seems that her journey is progressing very smoothly.]

[Suddenly, you are looking forward to the next meeting with her. What interesting scene will it be?]

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