Chapter 22 - Coincide

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Hello everyone! I am SO sorry about the unplanned silence and my absence. I finally got a job! And they started my hours out pretty high, so I'm still getting used to that. Please enjoy this chapter and thank you for your continued patience! <3

One moment her boots were planted firmly in the dirt and the next she was flailing mid air. Shrill cries of pure panic coupled with blatant shock ripped through her vocal chords.

Initially, Lauren had set her sights in the decrepit building, eyes glued to the rusted door as Soundwave wrenched it open with ease. The grating noise stabbed at her eardrums.

"It's about damn time. Have a hot date we didn't know about?" The familiar voice of Nitrozeus echoed teasingly.

Sucking in a sharp inhale, she held her breath as she lifted a foot to enter. Though, her foot never met the dirt as she was torn from her standing. Snatched away like the lowly rodent she felt like. An unceremonious shriek escaped as her lungs quelled.

"Oh? What do we have here? Master sent us a new toy." A shrill purr came from just behind her as she thrashed about the air, the earth growing more distant with each passing second.

The voiced taunted with a rasped titter.

"Put me down!" Lauren barked with a swipe of her hand.

"Laserbeak, put the human down." Soundwave called much too easily to the avian.

"As you say." A birdlike squawk made her ears ring.

Laserbeak tossed Lauren into the building carelessly, her body swiping against the frame of the door roughly. A pained yelp clawed up from her throat as she hit the ground sending her and her bag sprawling. Fresh, burning pain blossomed along the lower side of her thigh. She heaved out a strained curse as her hands flew to place pressure along the bleeding laceration. Her eyes were swift to land upon Soundwave who was swiftly approaching.

She outstretched her blood stained hand to halt the mech. "I'm fine, fuck- it's fine Soundwave." The brunette managed to her feet, all her weight displaced onto the opposite leg.

The mech obeyed without further commotion, an action she was thankful for.

Heart hammering in her chest and nerves set on fire, she stole a look around the room with a pained glare coloring her sun kissed features. "Hope you all enjoyed the show!" Spat Lauren with tear stained eyes, her brows furrowed to crease her forehead and her flesh flushed.

"Howdy, cowgirl." Nitrozeus mocked with a crude southern drawl.

"Oh, fuck off Nitro." Lauren wheezed to reclaim the oxygen stolen from her lungs in an attempt to steady herself and combat the pain. Every movement set her skin ablaze.

"Where is Lord Megatron?" Blackout was the next voice she recognized; calloused and harsh as he interrogated.

Opening her mouth to speak, she was cut off by Soundwave. "Lockdown caught the trail, he fell back to intercept. Updates pending."

Intercept? By himself? That had to be the worst decision he'd ever made. Lauren sucked in a breath haphazardly, her nostrils flaring as she pressed further upon her wound. Her pant leg now soaked uncomfortably in her own fluids.

It was fine- she was fine. It was only a cut, nothing more. She'd handled worse. She'd-

"And you're supposed to be his conjunx? Disgusting." An unfamiliar voice leered, stealing her away from her thoughts.

Staggering to face the voice, her eyes landed on another smaller, black mech. His optics pierced her effortlessly, she dare say his glare rivaled Megatron's with the sheer hatred that brewed beneath the burning light of his optics.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now