Chapter 24 - Abysm

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How far had he gotten? Was he closer to her yet? The information was lost on him as he laid limply beside a lake, his sleek new metals left to the elements. The wild foliage cradled his battered form much too gently. It was far more than he deserved.

Megatron eyed the surface tension of the water, watching it ripple with the wind. Primus, he hurt.

Get up.

His subconscious coupled with his spark to order him around. Petrolex leaked out of him at a consistent, steady pace.

He was drained.

Get up.

Primus, he was trying. In all truth, he was trying as hard as he could.

Perhaps this was the end? No. It couldn't be.

Suddenly, Lauren's smile flashed across his vision, the echo of her voice haunted him. His claws flexed outward for her instinctively, but he was met with nothing, but blades of grass.

Get up.

It was her voice then. Demanding, pleasing that he rise to the occasion. His spark flitted if barely.

Groaning, the mech feebly pushed himself up from the wet dirt before collapsing back into place.

Get up.

He could not, no matter how hard he persisted in his endeavor. She was there again, her sapphire eyes softened with sadness, then she was gone from his fingertips once more.

His hailing system was shot, his body broken, and unable to go any further.

Was this divine intervention...? Primus, he sounded ridiculous. What was he even thinking?

He had a promise to keep. This wasn't the end, no. It was only another setback. Only...

His body grew further cumbersome, heavy upon the earth, the pain slowly subsiding. He shifted his optics across the water once more before resting his sights upon a pair of birds. Their feathers were saturated in color as they sat close beside one another. The larger of the two dawned a predominantly Scarlett hue while the former was painted in shades of violet.

Megatron searched inwardly, looking for traces of her. Still shots paired with recordings overtook his glitching optics. Her voice soothed his unease in an indescribable manner, unknown even to him.

"This is my last glance that will soon be memory."

Her words rang out to him as he stared at her face. She truly was easy on his optics.

When had he become this way...? He couldn't pinpoint a particular moment in time when he'd grown so...

A shallow vent escaped him as she laughed with unadulterated joy.


"I want to be wanted! I want you to want me!"


His optics glitched out, sputtering. Her image grew distorted as her voice clipped. His body was no longer responding to commands. His systems were shutting down, forcing him closer to stasis with each klik.


The change in scenery was sudden and abrupt, almost disorienting.

Megatron turned slowly in the vast void he was plunged into. Dark as the void of space and as vast as the universe itself. Here, he felt small.

Stepping around to turn, his optics spanned the darkness before falling upon a distant figure; a speck in the darkness.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now