Chapter 1

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Lyric's POV

Today is the one year anniversary of my father's death. He was killed during a war with another MC. Dad was the president of The Wolves MC.

After he passed away another person was elected to take over for Dad and that person is my brother's best friend.

Grabbing the flowers from the front seat I enter the cemetery and look for Dad's grave stone. Once I find it I place the flowers in vase I left after we buried him.

I look at the gravestone that has a picture of Dad on it. He's wearing his MC jacket and 'president' is seen clearly on it. "Hey, Dad. It's been a while since I've been here. A lot has happened. Mom got remarried to a guy. His name is Leon."

Pausing for a moment I gather my thoughts. "I don't like him, Dad. He flaunts his money around town and thinks he can buy everything."

In the distance I hear a rev of a motorcycle approaching.

I take a seat on the ground. "It looks like Blade will be here soon. He never lets me do anything on my own."

Wrapping my arms around my legs I place my head in the middle. "You've raised a protective son there, Dad. I bet you're proud of the man that he is."

The engine of the bike is turned off. I hear crunch as boots walk over leaves towards me. "Lyric," Blade says. "Mom wants you home."

I'm not going to the house.

"I'm spending time with, Dad. Did you know she forgot that dad died this day a year ago." I look over at my brother.

Blade is 6ft 1 in, with dark brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and there's tattoo sleeves on both of his arms. On his side is a tattoo that says 'Family' it has our names on it.

I continue. "She was cooking breakfast for Leon and never looked up once while I was in the kitchen. I'm surprised she noticed that I wasn't in the house."

He shakes his head. "When I asked where you were she shrugged like she didn't care. After I talked to her about something important she decides that she wants you home."

Placing my hand on the headstone I say. "I'll come back during the week. I love you, Dad."

Blade looks at the stone. He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times.

"You know it's not hard to say. Bye, Dad. Or I love you. Just because he's 6 feet under doesn't mean you can't say a couple of words." I walk away from my brother hoping that he says at least a couple of words to Dad.

As I approach my car I see Blade's Best Friend, Axton. He's one of the hottest men I've ever met.

He's 6 ft 5 in, with tanned skin, chocolate-brown eyes, dark brown hair, with a five o'clock shadow.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, rather rudely.

He tsks at me. "That's not a nice way to greet me, short stuff."

I flip him off. "I don't know how many times I need to tell you I want nothing to do with the club. Yet you appear with my brother all the time. Making it hard for me to live away from the life I was bought into."

Opening the car door I climb in and lock the door.

He arrived with my brother. He can leave with him too.

I start the car. Pulling the window down I say. "See you at home, brother." I peel out of the parking lot, kicking up stones as I leave.

Eat my dust, Axton.

When my brother gets back to the house I know I'll feel his wrath for my behaviour. He should expect that after cutting my time short with Dad.

10 minutes later, I'm pulling up into the driveway of the house. I climb out of the car and lock it before heading into the house.

I walk through the house and find Mom in the living room with Leon.

Mom looks over at me with a smile on her face. "Please take a seat sweetheart. There is something I need to talk to you about."

Taking a seat opposite Leon and Mom. "Okay?"

She holds her hand out and Leon takes it giving her strength to tell me what she has to. "Leon and I are moving to New York. We would like for you to come."

The front door to the house opens and Blade calls out for me. I tell him that I'm in the living room with Mom and Leon.

Blade looks at Mom "Have you told her yet?"

"Yes," she brushes, a strand of blonde hair from her eyes. "She hasn't answered the question. You walked through the door before she could."

"Mom," I move over to her and grab her hand. "I made a promise to dad a long time ago that I would never leave Devil's Door. This place is home. Nowhere else will compare to this town."

Mom has a disappointed look across her face. "This town is a dead town. There is nothing here for you, Lyric. Please come to New York with us. You won't be disappointed in the city. There's more opportunity there for you."

"I won't be changing my mind, Mom. So please stop asking me to move with you to New York. When are you leaving?"

Leon moves over to mum and holds her against his chest. "We're leaving A.S.A.P. your brother doesn't want us here any more. For the sake of your mother, please, reconsider."

Blade moves over to me and puts his arm across my shoulders. He looks at me and says. "What's your decision, sis?"

Looking over at my brother, I give him reassurance before I say. "I'm staying. Have a safe journey please call me when you get to New York. I love you, Mom." I step away from my brother and give Mom a hug.

She wraps her arms around me. I'm going to miss you, Lyric. if you ever change your mind, please call me. Leon and I will make sure that you arrive in New York safely.

"Thanks, I'll remember that."

"Mom," Blade says. "I think it's time for you to leave. Have a happy life."

Tears down Mom's face. "Why are you being so rude to me? What have I done to deserve this?"

"You got remarried. Without considering how we would feel. All we have known is the life of being in an MC. I am the vice president of the club and there's no way I'm going to ditch my family."

"I'm your family." Mom yells. "It's easy for you to forget that. I'm really disappointed in you Blade."

"Just go." My brother seems defeated. "I love you. Please, don't forget that."

Leon grabs Mom's hand. "Let's get out of here." He pulls her through the house and out the front door. He opens the car door for her.

She climbs into the car without looking back at us. She puts her buckle on.

Leon climbs into the car and starts the engine. He peels out of the driveway without looking back at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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