When Trouble Comes Knocking

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Beau had been laying on the couch watching TV while Everett made them dinner when he told him that he needed him to run to the store to get broccoli for their meal. Being the doting partner that he is, Beau promptly got up and left for the grocery store after receiving a kiss and short grocery list from the cook.

He ended up getting some other things as well to make the trip out to town more worth his while. Once he got back in the car, he decided to stop by the bakery down the road before heading home. The display case showed off several new cookie flavors so Beau asked to have a dozen boxed up. After paying up front, he turned around to head back to the car parked outside on the street. Instead of making his exit, however, he ends up running into an annoyed-looking man glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"So this is where you've been hiding out," Finn spits the accusatory words out at him.

Clutching onto the small pink box full of cookies for his partner, Beau clears his throat before responding. "What are you doing here?" He asks his little brother who looks even more irate at the question.

"What am doing here? What are you doing here?" Finn shoots back at him.

"Uh- getting cookies?" Beau replies in a questioning tone. He knows that wasn't what Finn meant, but he is trying to buy himself time to think of his next move in this interaction.

Finn scoffs at this, "No shit. What are you doing in Sinting? Why did I have to find out that you're alive from Ryan Hershey of all people? That guy's a douche, Beau."

Understanding dawns on him that his old friend must've ran home to Columbus to tell Beau's family all about how they ran into each other at the golf course the other day. The piece of shit never could keep his mouth shut when he was given any piece of information. It makes sense that he'd want to spill this intel to his younger brother and mom who Beau had abandoned.

"Yeah, he is a douche. Um-" Beau is still struggling to gather his thoughts. "Did you need something? Or did you just want to confirm that I'm alive?" Beau uses his box of cookies as a pointer, lifting them up and down gesturing to himself as he continues to speak. "Because, obviously, I'm still breathing."

The employee behind the counter is clearly listening in on their conversation despite him trying to appear busy. Finn must notice this because he walks towards the exit and mumbles, "Let's do this outside." Beau follows after him hesitantly, he's not sure if his brother is going to start swinging at him as soon as they leave the building.

Finn has definitely gotten taller and more muscular, but he still looks small compared to Beau. If it came down to it, Beau could definitely take him in a fight if he needed to. He has a clean-shaven babyface with big brown eyes. His dark hair resembles Beau's, but is shorter than his own long waves. Recently, Beau told Everett that he wanted to get a haircut, but his partner had pouted and said that he liked the current length of his hair. He is no longer thinking about getting a haircut.

"You need to come home. It's an emergency," Finn eventually grunts out.

"Emergency? What happened? Is mom okay?" Beau suddenly feels panicked as he tries to get answers out of his brother.

Rolling his eyes while seeming highly annoyed by Beau's concern, Finn replies, "No. It's not mom."

"Well, then, what is it?" Beau is beginning to feel irritated with the lack of information being provided to him. If his brother and mom aren't in immediate danger, then why does he need to run back to Columbus? He would much rather go back home and eat the fettuccini Alfredo that Everett has been preparing and have the bakery cookies for dessert.

"Do you really need all of the details right now?" Finn is still glaring at him but is now looking around the street nervously. "An emergency is an emergency. That should be enough of a reason for you to come back home."

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