Reading the Green

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Beau quickly scans the premises of the green golf course before stepping into Everett's space. He wraps his arms around him to correct his stance so he can properly hit the golf ball resting on the ground below them. With a hand around Everett's wrist, Beau gently pulls it back and pushes it forward in a mock swing motion.

"Try doing that, but with more force. For the love of God, don't whiff on this one- that shit's so embarrassing, snook." Beau teases him as he backs away to let Everett swing for real this time.

Everett grins up at him past the brim of the Yankees baseball cap that he stole from Beau. "I'd hate to embarrass you in front of all of the birds in the trees around us. Hopefully I can impress them with the moves you taught me." He proceeds to hit the ball into a sand trap causing Beau to groan playfully in distress.

"The birds are gonna fuck off to Florida early after watching that performance," Beau jokes as he puts a hand on Everett's waist while guiding him to the golf cart. "Let's chase that amateur hit and try again."

Beau tries to get into the drivers seat but Everett holds his hand out stopping him. "I'm driving. We agreed that if I was going on a golf date with you that I'd get to drive the golf cart," Everett says accusingly.

"You almost tipped us over on the way to this hole. I think it's for the best that I take over the whip for the rest of the day," Beau argues causing Everett to roll his eyes.

"We almost tipped because we were on a narrow hill! I drove on it like a pro and we're nice and safe now, are we not?" Everett questions with his hands on his hips.

Looking up at the April sky, Beau groans and throws in the towel as he walks to the passenger side. Everett smiles victoriously and gets into the drivers seat. "Thanks, babe," he says to Beau as he drives them to the sand trap where his ball sits. Beau tries to look annoyed but has a small smile appearing at the corner of his mouth. "Whatever," he responds looking ahead through his dark sunglasses.

As they turn the slight corner toward the sand trap, they see another golf cart with three men nearby. The couple both notice them at the same time and the air between them immediately shifts from playful and carefree to stiff.

Beau stays in the cart as Everett wordlessly leaves to go to his ball. Both are disappointed at the unspoken understanding that Beau won't be helping him with his form this time around. Everett gracelessly fumbles around the ball trying to figure out the best way to get it out of the sand.

As Beau watches on amused, he doesn't notice one of the men from the other golf cart approach him.

"Colesy?" Beau's head whips to the side to look for the person who just called him by his old nickname. Approaching the cart is his friend, Ryan, from high school. Beau finds himself in a state of shock as the man makes his way over to him.

"Hersh?" He eventually replies back. Ryan's last name is Hershey so the football team cleverly nicknamed him Hersh back in the day- very creative stuff.

His friend looks a lot more grown than he did the last time he saw him. Ryan, like Beau, sports thick facial hair. He has a dark mustache and beard matching his high and tight haircut. Beau notices that his strong nose is still crooked from when he got punched in the face during a fight that they were both in sophomore year. He also has bags under his eyes, yet he looks confident and cocky as ever if his smirk is anything to go by.

Beau stands to greet him as they dap each other up. After slapping Ryan on the back, Beau pulls away and looks over his shoulder to see that Everett must've already hit his ball. He looks uncertain on whether or not he should join the conversation. Beau knows that Everett probably recognizes Ryan and doesn't want to talk to him considering Ryan wasn't.... friendly to him when they all went to school together. Offering his partner a helpless shrug, Beau then turns his attention back to the man in front of him.

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