Chapter 62 It is absolutely true that wisdom lies among the people.

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Jiandan was just for the sake of eating well. After working so hard, couldn't I satisfy my appetite?

It must be said that wisdom lies in the people, and this is absolutely true.

Even if there was no word for iron pot stew at that time, the practice of stewing vegetables under a big pot and sticking pancakes on it had been around for a long time, and it was used to the extreme by the working people without any waste.

Stew a pot of cabbage, potatoes, radish strips, or sauerkraut under it, and stick a circle of big pancakes on it, without much oil and seasoning, you can feed the whole family.

Of course, it still needs a slightly better year. The pancakes are dry food, even if they are mixed with something, they are pure dry food. These days, anything that can be eaten to fill the stomach is good.

Some years ago, it was said that some people ate tree bark and Guanyin soil. Jiandan didn't see it with her own eyes, but during this period, she heard the discussions in the village and the nagging of Grandma Liu San, and heard that people did starve to death in other villages when paying public grain in autumn. She also knew that this was not groundless.

Her family started out as gangsters in her previous life, and charity and kindness are like the unattainable poor and lower-middle peasants to her now.

If she has it, it's glorious, but it can't fill her stomach.

If she doesn't have it, it won't affect anything, but it will be a stumbling block on the road to a better life.

However, that's just now, and in a few years, it's hard to say.


There are signs of chaos outside. Think about the lawlessness, recklessness, and recklessness in a few years, especially most of them are children of the same age as her. It's a headache. How can she live in peace? The original owner's family background really can't stand digging.

The only good thing is that this side is remote, and it is estimated that the chaos should not be so fierce, but it can't be ignored. After all, there are people with red eye disease everywhere, and she must be careful not to attract villains, alas!

After eating a delicious meal of spareribs, Jiandan also let go of her worries. It is useless to think about it now. What is coming will come sooner or later. It is better to live well now.

She did not expect that the things she was worried about would soon have a new light, and her identity also increased.

Jiandan fell asleep peacefully on the warm kang. In the Youth League, several people drank hot porridge and were very satisfied.

Li Yan sighed comfortably,

"Actually, this kind of life is not bad."

Lin Zhaodi agreed deeply. Here she had the final say on her own food. There was no reason to give others dry rice and drink porridge.

It was also here that she seemed to have a clear mind. She realized belatedly that her mother said that she was the favorite child and that she was good to her brother for her. She was so stupid before and believed it.

Not only did she happily hand over her salary, she also did all the housework, while her brother, who would not even help her when a bottle of oil fell, took up half of the good things in the house, enjoying her service with a clear conscience, and accusing her of doing this and that. Just because of this, her mother and father looked at her as if she was the apple of their eye.

She never thought deeply about it. They liked her but did not let her eat dry food, and did not leave her money. Two days before going to the countryside, her salary was paid. Her mother generously told her to keep it for herself. She was happy at that time. Her mother finally felt sorry for her.

Then she was told,

"It just so happens that you just got your salary, so buy your own things for the countryside."

She realized that they had taken the job away from her brother in order to prevent him from going to the countryside. She was going to the countryside in his place, but they actually did not prepare anything for her.

She was confused at the time. Her salary of more than 20 yuan a month seemed a lot, but going to the countryside was equivalent to buying another home. What could this amount of money do?

At that moment, she was very sad.

Now I finally figured it out and convinced myself that they just didn't care about me. It's no big deal. Look, I can support myself.

After two days of getting along, Tan Yajun finally believed that the educated youth in Liujiatun were indeed different from those in Liujiatun. They would help her when she was in trouble and worry about her companions when they were in danger. The normal warmth and coldness of human feelings made her feel like she had returned to the time when she first went to the countryside, and she slept more peacefully.

The next day, it was still a sunny day with no clouds in the sky, but the temperature had obviously dropped a lot. I simply took the thermometer out from the base and tested it. It was already zero degrees. Isn't it time for the cold? In winter, in normal years, the snow is not far away, so I probably won't go to this mountain many times.

When going up the mountain, several educated youth also muttered,

"It seems to be much colder today than yesterday,"

Others also made "hissing" sounds from time to time. Chen Jianguo also imitated the villagers, holding his sleeves with both hands, and his entire arm was protected inside to prevent air from getting in, as if this would be able to resist the cold.

"No wonder everyone likes this, so their hands and wrists won't get cold!"

Several female educated youths didn't like that position, but they also put their hands in their pockets, shivering from the cold, and kept walking.

"Hurry up, it'll be warmer if you walk."

"There won't be any warm days in the future, and it looks like the snow will come soon.

How much firewood do we need?"

Chen Jianguo was rolling up his sleeves at the back, and he was quite surprised to hear this.

"If we save it, it's almost enough, but what if it's not enough? By then, the whole mountain will be covered with snow, and we won't be able to get out. I think we should prepare more in advance, and it will work."

Tan Yajun, the only experienced one among the few people, also continued,

"Yes, if it is a normal year, the snow here in winter is particularly heavy.

I remember the first snow that year when I first came, the door was blocked. Several of us were inside and couldn't push the door open. Later, the villagers didn't see the educated youth going out to sweep the snow, so they went to see and found that they were all blocked inside.

Since then, every winter, we have to prepare a shovel or something in our house to prevent such a situation from happening again. We can also dig a hole or something to avoid being suffocated by the snow."

"Yes, is it that heavy?"

Lin Zhaodi and Li Yan had never seen such heavy snow, and they were still a little curious and confused.

"It is indeed,"

Although Jiandan was not such a pure northerner in her previous life, she had seen the TV commercials of snow scenes, snow sculptures, skiing, and various tourist attractions that filled the entire winter, and even live broadcasts of snow, so she didn't doubt this at all.

"Sometimes they close the gates, mountains and roads, and some are even bigger, and can collapse the roof."

How famous the snow holiday in the future will be!

"Snow clearing will be a big project at that time."

Lin Zhaodi and the others were still excited and didn't care at all.

"But, when it snows, we can make snowmen and have snowball fights, right?"

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