Chapter 105 The hardworking villagers have already gotten up and are busy

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She wanted to say that she didn't mean it, but in the eyes of others, she was just making excuses. Even the educated youths with her had condemning eyes, which clearly showed,

"Wang educated youth, why are you so careless?"

Finally, Wang Hongmei reluctantly agreed to replace the two bowls the next day, and Li Yan reluctantly agreed. When she returned to the kitchen, Lin Zhaodi still felt distressed,

"Why is this person so careless? Those two bowls were bought before the New Year?"

They have always been frugal and careful with things. They haven't had any bumps in the past six months, but today two of them broke at once. It is impossible not to feel distressed.

"I want to watch her tomorrow, and I will come back."

Li Yan sighed,

"Look at the way they fought for food just now, the chopsticks flew, and they wanted to spit into the bowl,"

"Stop it!"

It was one thing to be on the scene just now, and it was another thing for her to replay it again. Jian Dan suddenly felt uncomfortable in her stomach and hurried to stop it,

"Don't say it, it's not good, it's not good, I just had a hard time eating this little bit of food, don't make me vomit it out of disgust."

Li Yan and the others were not so hypocritical, but they were really uncomfortable.

"I am really glad that Chen Zhiqing spoke quickly just now, and we didn't get involved with them, otherwise, I'm really afraid that I can't even hold on for a meal. With her like that, my little slap is already itching to move."

Holding her little fist, Li Yan had a strong sense of warrior, and the girls laughed together.

"Haha, I think it's too early. This is only the first day. There are many days ahead. We are all in the same yard. It's not something that can be solved by cooking separately, right?"

Tan Yajun also sighed,

"Yes, we are all educated youth, and we are so close. We will see each other every day. It's hard to say what will happen in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm here. I don't believe it. What else do they want to do if they are separated at the beginning?"

Lin Zhaodi was worried. She was just watching the fun. After all, she was hundreds of meters away. Apart from going to work, she probably didn't have many opportunities to meet. Besides, she was not the kind of person who would swallow her anger.

Seeing that the packing was almost done and the sun was about to set, Li Yan and the others had already washed the pot and warmed up water to wash up. Jiandan said goodbye simply,

"Okay, you guys pack up and rest early, I'm going back. By the way, are you going to the commune tomorrow?"

Tan Yajun said,

"I'm going to mail a letter and want to see if I can buy two more pairs of gloves. I can use them for weeding in a few days. There's nothing else to buy."

Li Yan and Lin Zhaodi both said that they would ask Tan Yajun to help bring the gloves and they would not go.

"Jian Zhiqing, you mean you want to go too? Then tomorrow we'll be together. I guess those new educated youths will have to go. Now that I think about it, I start to have a headache."

Jiandan got up and walked out,

"Okay, then tomorrow we'll go together. I'll go check the mail too."

It's not too cold in this season, and the kang doesn't need to be heated too high, but there is still spring chill, so it needs to be heated every day.

When I got home, I lit the stove and added a few pieces of firewood. The heat was enough. The fire was only for an afternoon.

After the New Year, the wooden trough on the kang in Jiandan's house was laid off. The green was for the winter. In spring, the private plots and vegetable gardens of each family became busy, and Jiandan followed the local customs.

Some seedlings need to be planted in the greenhouse first, and then transplanted outdoors when they grow to about four inches. This way, the survival rate is higher.

It is still the same now, but now there are those who don't like to do it, and some are diligent and focus on this point, and even specialize in this business. At this time, they will grow all kinds of seedlings in their own greenhouses, and then wait until they are big enough and it is time to transplant them, and then take them directly to the market. In fact, many people buy these ready-made ones, after all, they are really convenient.

However, of course, there is no such thing at this time. Each family sets up a small plastic shed in the garden. More than ten bamboo slabs more than one meter long are bent into a semicircle, covered with a piece of plastic cloth, and the edges are pressed with soil around them, leaving only one opening for daily entry and exit, watering, and ventilation. A simple small shed is ready.

Some eggplants, peppers, persimmons, cucumbers, and Chinese cabbage will be planted early inside. After all, the weather here requires patience to wait for the weather outside to warm up. Now is the season for planting corn, but the weather is not warm enough. These daily green vegetables also have their own growth seasons, so you can't just wait.

So it is very important to raise seedlings in advance. In fact, in some years, the spring is early, and many hardworking housewives almost start raising seedlings before the first month of the year. At that time, it was still frozen outside, and the seedling pots were placed in the house, on the kang, windowsill, or cabinet. Many families put them in the house except for the sleeping place.

Jian Dan naturally didn't know how to do this. After all, she had never had any experience with it in her previous life. Last year's cabbage and radish were already extraordinary.

So she didn't expect to be able to master this skill at all. She had agreed with Grandma Liu San early on to bring her seedlings. She planned to wait for them to be ready, and then she would bring them back and plant them directly.

The old lady saw that Jian Dan had the ability to grow cabbage and radish this autumn, but she was still a child when it came to farming. So when she heard about it, she agreed directly and told her in detail what should be planted in the private plot and the garden, and what to plant first and what to plant later. In fact, there are also rules, and a novice like Jian Dan naturally wouldn't understand.

The old lady even planned to bring her daughter-in-law to help during the days of planting the garden, but she hadn't told Jian Dan yet, and Jian Dan didn't know. Now she was worried about the back garden. It was so big, what to plant?

There was everything in the base, but how many of them couldn't be brought out in the open?

Thinking about her purpose of going to the countryside again, Jian Dan still sighed. Since she had decided to stay here for more than ten years, she still had to do it herself.

Now don't say anything, like the pastoral life, the pastoral life at this time is very different from the pastoral life in the future. The former is for retirement, and the latter is for survival. The living environment and mentality are also completely different, and the imagination and reality are also completely different.

Jian Dan can only comfort herself that this is an early retirement life.

Early the next morning, Jian Dan was awakened by the alarm clock. She opened her eyes with difficulty. After a long time of confusion, she realized that she was going to the commune today.

Regret, regret, why did she agree to get up early and follow the commune?

Thinking about it, she had to leave the comfortable bed, climbed up painfully, shook her head, washed her face with cold water, and woke up.

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