Chapter 5: Shadow of Doubt

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The next day arrived, bathed in the soft glow of dawn as Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing stood before the assembled disciples and seniors, their faces set with determination. With all eyes upon them, they recounted the communication with Leader Wang's spirit and the task set forth to identify the true descendant.

As each participant penned their response on the paper provided, a hushed anticipation filled the air, the tension palpable as they awaited the revelation of the truth. When the time came to unveil the answers, Fang Duobing stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the gathered participants.

"The correct answer is Helan, and you wrote it correctly," he declared, his voice steady and resolute as he stood in front of a participant named Happy.

Happy trembled with fear and looked towards his father, "My father told me to write this."

"It's just a name, what proof do you have that I had anything to do with Leader Wang's death?" Happy's father chuckled, "Don't insult me with baseless accusations."

"Shall I address you as Happy's father? Or perhaps Xin Lei, the Thunder Chaser of the Jinyuan Alliance?" Li Lianhua's laughter echoed softly, his words laden with accusation.

"There is a black palm on his back which was caused by the skill that made the Thunder Chaser famous. I guess that Leader Wang had an affair with a girl named Helan Yan. Later, they had an illegitimate son."

Fang Duobing took up the thread of the conversation, his tone cold and calculated. "Because he wasn't allowed to get married and have children, Helan Yan threatened to leave. But Leader Wang didn't want to abandon his child, so he decided to put on a show. You found out his plan by chance. You also discovered that Leader Wang had noticed the remnants of the Jinyuan Alliance in Jia Province. So you decided to get rid of him by giving him this idea."

Li Lianhua nodded in agreement, his eyes piercing as he continued, "Leader Wang wanted both the assets and his son. So he colluded with you to use the mirrors to fake his death in front of everyone. Three days later, instead of waking him up, you gave him a fatal blow. After that, you covered his body with gold to conceal the print left by your Five Poison Palm."

"Why do you believe them so easily? Let me tell you. It's all just their imagination," Xin Lei scoffed, his voice laced with mockery.

A heavy silence settled over the room as Xin Lei's words hung in the air, casting doubt upon the accusations that had been leveled against him. Li Lianhua struggled to formulate a response, his mind racing to counter Xin Lei's dismissive remarks.

Breaking the silence, Fang Duobing stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he addressed Xin Lei with steely resolve. "After seeing the surname Helan last night, you were worried that your cover might be blown," he stated, his voice firm and unwavering. "So you went to her house in the middle of the night to kill the mother and son. But we had smeared Baihong juice on their quilt. If you wash your hands, they'll turn black. Why don't you show us your hands?"

As Xin Lei reluctantly revealed his stained hands, a murmur of disbelief rippled through the crowd. All eyes turned to Fang Duobing, whose quick thinking and cunning deduction had exposed the truth. In that moment, a newfound respect blossomed for the Baichuan Academy detective, his intellect and resourcefulness leaving a lasting impression on all who bore witness to his actions.

But just as the atmosphere began to settle, Xin Lei's demeanor shifted, his expression twisting with rage and desperation. With a sudden lunge, he drew his sword and launched himself at Fang Duobing, his movements fueled by a desperate fury.

Reacting swiftly, Fang Duobing unsheathed his own sword, meeting Xin Lei's attack with a deft and practiced skill. But before he could strike back, Xin Lei seized the opportunity to launch another assault, this time targeting Li Lianhua with a deadly blow from his Five Poison Palm.

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