Chapter 32: Li Xiangyi's identity revealed

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"Where's the antidote for Head Bane?" Fang Duobing demanded, his voice laced with urgency.

The old lady chuckled darkly. "There is no cure for Head Bane. Once you're afflicted, there's no turning back."

"I think Master Yu Louchun might be able to figure out how to cure the Head Bane and help Lord of Netherlands regain his strength and memory," Brother Lu suggested as he prepared to journey to Mountain Red.

"But what about our earlier arrangement?" Fang Duobing inquired as he readied himself to depart.

"Master Yu Louchun will extend an invitation for you to visit him," Brother Lu assured Fang Duobing before bowing and taking his leave.

"So, it seems we've made some progress with this case," Fang Duobing remarked to Li Lianhua.

"Yes," Li Lianhua confirmed. "While fleeing from the mutants, I stumbled upon a location and discovered some of their research notes."

Upon arrival, Fang Duobing wasted no time in examining the murals closely. "These are prints of ancient murals," he observed. "Bug eggs are cultivated within human skulls. This depicts Nanyin's magical technique for creating Karmic Bugs. These bugs, raised within skulls, consist of both mother bugs and child bugs. By manipulating the mother bugs, one can exert control over the hosts of the child bugs. It seems Karmic Bugs are utilized for controlling individuals. Head Bane might operate on a similar principle."

"What does this have to do with Karmic Bugs?" Di Feisheng inquired.

"Karmic Bugs originated from ancient Nanyin through black magic," Fang Duobing explained.

"Your knowledge is quite impressive," Li Lianhua remarked.

"I gathered this information from the old records in Baichuan," Fang Duobing disclosed, glancing at the murals. "The people of Nanyin are in search of the Karmic Bug once possessed by the royal family. Their goal is to control the martial forces in the Central Plains using these bugs."

"These mutants may be the result of their failed experiment, attempting to create the Karmic Bug," Di Feisheng concluded, eyeing the captivated mutants in the prison.

"You can't escape anyway. I've alerted my master. She's en route with men from the Jinyuan Alliance. You've uncovered our village's secret and destroyed our Head Bane. You won't live through today." the old lady laughed.

"So, it's your alliance again," Fang Duobing remarked, turning to Di Feisheng. Then, he realized that Di Feisheng had been in seclusion in the past and might not be aware of the situation.

Suddenly, upon hearing "Jinyuan Alliance," Di Feisheng's head began to throb, and Li Lianhua hurried to assist him in sitting down. Di Feisheng attempted to meditate to ease the pain.

"I think the poison is spreading rapidly," Fang Duobing observed, then remembered what he had seen in the murals. "This painting says that using a leech raised in Wuxin Huai to suck out poisonous blood from the Taiyuan Acupoint can remove Wuxin Huai from the victim's body."

"The leeches must be around here somewhere," Li Lianhua remarked, spotting the nearby pond. He retrieved a leech and placed it on the acupoint.

As the memories flooded back into Di Feisheng's mind, he fainted. Fang Duobing caught him, saying, "Let's leave before those people arrive to attack us."

Li Lianhua nodded, but before they could depart, they were confronted by members of the Jinyuan Alliance, poised to strike.

As Fang Duobing engaged in the sword fight, his movements were swift and precise, but the enemies outnumbered him. With each clash of swords, Fang Duobing's strength waned, and soon he was covered in blood, struggling to stand. Finally, he collapsed to the ground, exhausted and battered.

Seeing Fang Duobing incapacitated, Li Lianhua knew he had to act. Despite his lack of martial arts prowess, he drew his sword and charged at the attackers with a newfound determination. With a single strike, he felled each enemy, his movements fueled by a fierce resolve to protect his companions.

As the last of the attackers fell, a stunning woman descended from above, landing gracefully behind Li Lianhua. Her presence was commanding, and her eyes gleamed with an intensity that matched his own.

 Fang Duobing's eyes widened in shock at the revelation of Li Lianhua's true identity. "Li Xiangyi?" he whispered, disbelief evident in his voice.

Jiao Li Qiao smiled, her demeanor betraying a sense of amusement. "Yes, indeed. The legendary Li Xiangyi, known for his formidable martial skills," she remarked. "But enough about me. You're still as youthful and handsome as ever, Sect Leader Li."

Li Lianhua couldn't help but smirk at her playful banter. "Ah, Miss Jiao, your flattery knows no bounds. However, it seems time has not been as kind to you," he quipped.

The exchange was interrupted by Jiao Li Qiao's laughter. "Ah, but the Bicha Poison was supposed to have crippled you," she remarked, her tone tinged with amusement.

Li Lianhua's expression turned serious as he replied, "The Bicha Poison may have tried, but it failed to break me."

Despite the tension between them, Jiao Li Qiao chose to prioritize their current situation. "I won't engage in combat with you today. Rescuing Director Di takes precedence," she declared before swiftly departing with Di Feisheng in tow.

With Li Lianhua's strength waning, Fang Duobing rushed to his side, supporting him as he collapsed. "We need to get you some help," Fang Duobing said urgently as he helped Li Lianhua to his feet and guided him to safety.

Upon their arrival, Fang Duobing personally carried Li Lianhua to his room, and the physician started examining him. Li Lianhua lay peacefully, his breathing steady, a sense of calmness permeating the room.

"How is he?" Fang Duobing inquired anxiously as he approached the physician.

The physician observed Li Lianhua's weak pulse and estimated that he had hardly three years left to live. A sense of urgency washed over him, but he felt a gentle tap on his hand from Li Lianhua, silently pleading for discretion. He understood the unspoken request and decided not to disclose Li Lianhua's condition to Fang Duobing.

"His condition seems stable for now," he replied cautiously, choosing his words carefully. "But he requires plenty of rest and care."

Fang Duobing nodded, though a flicker of concern crossed his features. "Thank you. Please continue to monitor him closely," he requested, his voice tinged with worry as he glanced back at Li Lianhua, who was resting.

To be continued...

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