Preparations and New Friends

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"William, prepare the carriage I need to go out for a bit" I tell William and he happily complies. It's been a week and a half since I became Azreal and I have gotten used to calling myself Azreal and realizing that there is literally nothing I can do to change it unless some all powerful being comes and switches back our souls. I have also gotten used to being a noble since I have regained all of Azreals memories on his classes on how to be a good noble. I haven't had much trouble lately but it has been annoying to have servants do almost everything for you.

"Young Master, if you are going without an escort might I suggest my two grandsons. They are very hard workers and are almost finished with their scheduled training so I thought it to be best if they got some practice actually protecting and escorting someone" William says nervously and I smile," Of course, how old are they?"

William starts speaking with a happy look on his face," One of them is 15 and the other is 17, so one of them is one year younger then you and the other is a year older."

I start to think before finally nodding," At this time your eldest should be almost finished with his training and soon be a full knight, correct?" I ask and William nods," Yes and his younger brother is quickly rising through the ranks like his brother. The youngest, my third grandchild, is studying at the magic tower, and he is currently the youngest student in his class" William says as he looks proud of his family's accomplishments.

"How old is your youngest?"

"9" William says and smiles proudly before noticing my face. My mouth is open wide and I stutter as I ask him another question," S-so he must be a first year right?"

I'm nervous as I wait for a response and William says," What? No he's in his third year and has broken the record for the youngest and brightest child at the magic tower, they are thinking of making him the magic tower master when he comes of age"

"O-oh I see you must be very proud" I say, very surprised since that means that his youngest has been studying at the magic tower since he was 6 but then I realize something," What if he doesn't want to be the magic tower master?"

"What? Most people would love that fame and glory, and not to mention the power that comes with it, why would he not want something so wonderful?" William asks with a puzzled look on his face," Well think about it, he's 9 years old and he's been praised as a genius since he was 6 but wouldn't that put a lot of pressure, especially on someone who hasn't even had their Debutante Ball yet."

In the game Sarah finds a young boy, who looks to be about 13 maybe 14, while at the crown princes ball who, based on his robe, was the master of the magic tower. When she talked to him though he said that he hated all of the fame and money and that all he wanted was to have his older brothers come back after they were brutally killed because of a monster attack. At the time everybody had blamed the Demon King but it was later found out after they defeated him that it was a secret villain that only a few people, who had to do a bunch of stuff, had gotten to see. It was later revealed on a stream what the villain looked like, but when I got home to watch it.... my father was not in the best mood and I was the perfect person for him to take his anger out on.

No, I mustn't think about sad thoughts. I slap myself gently in the face to wake up and realize that I have people who care about me now and love me more then my original father ever could.

"Young Master! Why did you do such a thing to your beautiful face?" William asks and I remember that he's right in front of me," It's nothing I was just thinking about something sad" I tell him and then he responds to my earlier statement," I do believe you though, about the pressure. For a 9 year old boy to have to deal with. When I go home I'm going to let him know that I don't care what he chooses to do in life and that I will be proud of him no matter what."

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