Chapter 27: Collection Of Supplies (10) [Country A]

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After a quick but thorough hand-washing session, the four of them gathered around the table, their laughter, and chatter filling the room as they savoured each bite of the delicious meal.

The dishes clinked together in a symphony of shared joy and contentment, their bond growing stronger with every shared moment, hoping to make full use of the short-lived peaceful times.

Once their plates were clean and their bellies full, the four of them efficiently cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher, the hum of the machine signalling the promise of sparkling clean dishes for the next day.

Bai Yue and Ming Xi exchanged knowing glances as they headed back to their room, their hearts full and their bodies tired from a day well spent.

With a sense of satisfaction, they all retired for the night, knowing that the chores of the day were behind them and a fresh start awaited them in the morning.

After entering her room, Bai Yue entered the space.

Making her way to the master bedroom with a sense of purpose, she gracefully settled onto the plush bed, adopting a cross-legged position. Gently closing her eyes, she delved into a realm of peace.

Within the depths of her mind, Bai Yue's vision blossomed with the appearance of a flower, having four differently coloured delicate petals adorned with a mysterious hue, each carrying its own unique energy.

Among them, a white petal stood out, its translucent surface exuding a soft aura that bathed the surrounding space in a tender glow, as if offering a beacon of light in the darkness.

Bai Yue started rotating the petal while meditating, hoping to increase her power before apocalypse, and make complete use of the precious opportunity she has been granted.

And throughout the night, as the night waned and the stars danced in the velvet sky, Bai Yue remained rooted in her cross-legged position, practising her power.

And as the dawn approached, signalling the gentle awakening of a new day, Bai Yue emerged from her meditative reverie, her spirit refreshed and renewed.


And like this Bai Yue, Ming Xi, Bai Jing and Fang Yu continued collecting the supplies until the day came, when Bai Yue had to leave to collect the supplies that her friends had bought.

During this period, Bai Yue dedicated herself to letting Bai Jing, Fang Yu and Ming Xi get used to the way of collecting the supplies and telling them the ins and outs of the supply collecting's progress and letting them know what they needed to do after she left, until they felt completely comfortable with the process.

And as Bai Jing and Fang Yu, seamlessly took over the job of ordering the supplies, Bai Yue handed over the responsibility of procuring supplies to them.

Simultaneously, Ming Xi continued with the role of overseeing the receipt of deliveries and receiving the goods.

With these duties smoothly reassigned, Bai Yue only needed to put the supplies inside the space and go with her parents to collect the cooked food, giving Bai Yue more time on her hands, because of which she eagerly dedicated extra hours to practice her spiritual ability.

And with Bai Jing and Fang Yu, efficiently managing the purchasing tasks, separately, the list of items to buy continues to shrink day by day, showing that soon they will only need to head out to collect the goods.

And as the list diminishes, it frees up more time for the trio to focus on improving their physical fitness and honing their combat skills, enhancing their overall preparedness for any challenges that may come their way.

Ultimately, this streamlined approach not only amplifies the group's efficiency in gathering necessary resources but also enables Bai Yue to further develop her own ability, establishing a harmonious balance within their collective efforts.

And Bai Yue has already told her parents and Ming Xi about the awakening of her spiritual power, and she is eagerly waiting to tell the others about this in person when she meet them in person.

She understands the weight of this topic and hence, she can never be cautious enough about these things, so she chose to tell them about this face-to-face rather than over a phone call or through a message.


Country A

Outside the bustling international airport of Country A, a stunningly beautiful woman, her luscious hair cascading down her shoulders, possessed exquisitely crafted facial features that could capture the attention of anyone in her vicinity.

She was casually leaning against a sleek car, a ladylike cigarette elegantly grasped between her fingers as wisps of smoke curled languidly from her mouth, enveloping her in a mysterious haze of sophistication and allure.

Just then, amidst the backdrop of the airport's hustle and bustle, the melodious ringtone of her phone pierced the air, prompting her to reach into the pocket of her stylish black leather jacket.

As she retrieved the device, the glowing screen illuminated her face, displaying the caller's name in flashing letters that briefly interrupted the enigmatic scene she had created with her mere presence.


The woman leisurely picked up the ringing phone, which has broken the peaceful silence around her.

 She brought the phone to her ear. 

"Yueyue, are you here?" she asked warmly.

On the other end of the line, the person's voice was hoarse, the kind of grogginess that comes from being roused suddenly from deep sleep, but worry was evident in her tone. "Sister Xie Yun, where are you? I have been looking for you everywhere!" 

Xie Yun's eyes scanned the bustling area around her, and glanced at the sign labelled "Gate Number 3" and quickly responded, "I am right in front of gate number 3. Where are you, Bai Yue?"

Bai Yue felt a sense of relief on hearing Xie Yun's answer, she looked around her own location, her eyes finally settling on the sign for "Gate Number 2." 

"I'm in front of gate number 2," she said, excitement building in her voice. "I can spot gate number 3 from here. Just hold on, I'll make my way to you."

Xie Yun, noting the proximity of gate number 2 to her current position, interjected, "No need. I'll head over to you, Yueyue. We'll have to pass through gate number 2 to exit anyway." 

Bai Yue didn't argue and simply replied with an OK.


A/N: Guys, keep commenting, anywhere or anything that you like or dislike (not hate, understand the difference) about the story. And don't forget to vote. 

And just some random talk, this is actually the first chapter I have written this year, the previous chapters were just scheduled by me, which I had written last year, because I knew that I would be busy this year due to my final exams and practicals, so this chapter may seem a bit boring, but please be patient, I am still adjusting and getting the hang of it.

Right now, all I have in my brain is study related and I need to bring out the inspirations out of the deepest corner of my mind, so I hope for your patience😅

And yeah, I have officially left school. Well, I do need to give some entrance exams to enter college, but school exams are officially finished. Now just hope for good results. Wish me luck.

Bye~ love you all 😉

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