Chapter 28: Saving The World? [Country A]

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Xie Yun and Bai Yue soon met at gate number 2. Exuberant smiles lit up their faces, and without hesitation, they embraced each other warmly.

As they stood near the car, Xie Yun offered to help Bai Yue with her light luggage and put in on the backseat of the car.

She looked at the contrast in packing styles between them and showed a playful look of envy in her eyes. "Travelling is really convenient for you," she remarked, gesturing at the luggage resting effortlessly on the backseat of the car. "Your luggage is simply the exact definition of travelling light compared to mine."

Bai Yue simply responded with a carefree laugh. The two settled into the car. Xie Yun took the driver's seat, steering them towards the hotel she had booked for their temporary stay. Which is also a property of JingYu.

During the ride, they discussed Xie Yun's progress in collecting the supplies.

Xie Yun explained, "Like I said before, I have bought quite a lot of petroleum and petroleum products, even small things such as petroleum jelly and, of course, gasoline. It should be enough for us to use for a few decades, but it will not be enough if we want to build our own base."

Bai Yue sat in complete silence, listening to Xie Yun's words attentively. But when Xie Yun's final phrases reached her ears, a sudden clarity washed over her, as if a door in her mind had been unlocked. The possibility of building her own base took root in her thoughts, a seed of hope amidst the chaos of the apocalypse.

Yes, a base...

If she wants to hold enough power and security even in the unforgiving post-apocalyptic world, she will need to build her own stronghold.

As she met Xie Yun's gaze through the rearview mirror, she mumbled, "A base..."

Xie Yun also looked at Bai Yue for a second. Her eyes held a mixture of determination and wisdom as she elaborated while continuing to drive, "Yes, a base. Yueyue, you have experienced the apocalypse, and you know that it can't be just us few who live to the end of the end of the world. We need more people, as many as possible, to be here on this planet. And since we have the opportunity, money and so much time, why do we need to just focus on ourselves, why don't we just focus on building our own base, this way we will have a more comprehensible list of supplies, more power and one more medium for survival. During the apocalypse, we don't just need to survive, we need to thrive, thrive in a world full of darkness. I want us to be the light and the seed of hope, even if it is just for a few people."

Bai Yue also thought about the idea further, and the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that this idea was great. "Indeed, since we have the opportunity, we should focus on the whole of mankind. However..."

Xie Yun glanced at Bai Yue through the rearview mirror, concern flickering in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

Bai Yue released a heavy sigh, her brow furrowed with worry, "I understand, saving the world and being the hero, it is good and sounds appealing, but what if this protection and being the saviour end up coming at the cost of you all? If, in the pursuit of protecting the mankind and saving the world, I need to pay the price of losing you guys, then what significance would my life, these things that I have and my second chance at life, truly hold? You, my parents, Jiang Yu, Ming Xi, Mo Xuan and Su Yan, you all are the one whom I cherish and care about the most, and if saving the world means sacrificing you people, who are irreplaceable in my life, then... I will not be able to bring myself to save the world, in which you all don't even exist."

Xie Yun carefully parked the car alongside the road, turned off the engine and turned to face Bai Yue, her lips held a gentle and soft smile, her gaze fixed on Bai Yue, "Yueyue, I want to make it clear that I am not asking you or for us to single-handedly save the world. Saving the world... That's something huge and beyond our current capabilities. I am completely aware that we are not yet powerful enough to achieve it. I know, we have many advantages over others, such as the extra time for preparation or your unique spatial abilities or space, whatever you want to call it, we do have a huge advantage over others, but we also have our limitations, we are still not powerful enough to save the whole world."

She continued with a smile while her index finger playfully pressed against on Bai Yue's forehead as she continued, a smile dancing in her eyes, "What I proposed is for us to start small by establishing our own base, not to save the world. Why don't we take gradual steps forward, with our first step being the creation of our own base? Our primary objective should be to safeguard our base first and then, if we can accomplish these, we can try taking the next step, but what that next step will be is still shrouded in the darkness and uncertainty, waiting for us to find out. Understood?"

Bai Yue couldn't help but show a playful pout as she gently massaged her forehead, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Despite her mock protest, she nodded in agreement, a silent affirmation of understanding.

Xie Yun also smiled and restarted the car.

After a few minutes of silence, Xie Yun, noticing the hungry look on Bai Yue's face, decided to change the topic. "Let's stop talking about this. You should be hungry, right?"

Bai Yue eagerly nodded with a pitiful expression on face while rubbing her stomach, which growled in agreement, "Very, very hungry."

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