part 16

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Tae pov-

Jimin and Mina kept telling me to talk nicely to y/n.

And I will try to talk to her nicely because my nature is very cold type.

But as soon as I saw her and our eyes met, everything seemed to stop.
It felt like there were just the two of us in this world.

I started walking towards her with a gift in my hand. I don't know what is happening , but as I got closer to her, my heart started beating faster.

i looked into her eyes
Believe me, her eyes have become a complete intoxication for me, even now whenever I see them, I keep looking at them.

I came back to my dream world when someone shook me and it was none other than Jimin.

Jimin- wish her(he whispers..)
Then i look at her and found that all give her gift except me .
Then i take a step closer to her and said

Tae- ...umm..hii..
(I am nervous as hell )
Y/n- hii teahyung
Without a second delay i give the gift to her and said trying my best to talk to her nicely
Tae- happy birthday to you ...
May your all dreams come true
(I literally said in just one breath )
I breath out
And look at her
Her face has some unreadable expression
I think i messed up but she smile cheekly and said
Y/n- thank you ..😊
Enjoy the party if you need anything just call me ...
Then she left ....

Did i messed up ?
Why she is so red ?

Y/n pov-

Just like he wished me happy birthday, I can't tell you what my situation is at that moment, my heart is beating so much that I feel like spring will come now, but I don't want to show my red face to him, that's why I excuse from themselves.

Time skip-
Author pov-
As the guests gathered around, the birthday girl stood tall, beaming with excitement as she prepared to cut her cake.
With a sparkling knife in hand, she took a deep breath, her friends and family cheering her on.
With a swift motion, she sliced through the layers of cake, revealing its delicious interior.
Laughter and applause filled the room as everyone eagerly awaited their slice.
The birthday girl's eyes sparkled with joy as she looked around at her loved ones, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for their presence on her special day.

As the first slice of cake was served, the birthday girl's best friend snuck up behind her, gently placing a glittering tiara atop her head.
Gasps of delight echoed through the room as the birthday girl turned around, her eyes widening in surprise.
She laughed and hugged her friend tightly, feeling like a princess on her special day. With each passing moment, the room filled with laughter, music, and the sweet scent of cake, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

As the cake was being served, the birthday girl's heart skipped a beat when she noticed her crush stepping forward with a slice of cake in hand.
With a charming smile, he offered it to her, their eyes locking for a brief moment that sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. Blushing furiously, she accepted the slice, feeling her cheeks flush even more as their fingers brushed against each other.
The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that sweet, intimate moment.
It was a gesture she would never forget, making her birthday even more unforgettable.

As the birthday girl's friends witnessed the exchange between her and her crush, they couldn't contain their excitement.
With mischievous grins, they exchanged knowing glances and playful nudges.
As the birthday girl approached them, her cheeks still flushed from the encounter, they erupted into teasing cheers and laughter.

Momo- "Ooh, look who's got a secret admirer!"

Dahyun-"Did you see the way he looked at you? It's like straight out of a romance movie!"

Sana-"Looks like someone's got a crush on our birthday girl!"

Blushing even deeper, the birthday girl playfully swatted at her friends, trying to hide her embarrassment.
But deep down, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of her crush's gesture and her friends' teasing only added to the joy of the moment.

As the music filled the air and the guests began to dance, the birthday girl found herself caught up in the infectious energy of the party. She twirled and laughed, enjoying every moment of the celebration.

As the music pulsed through the room, momo found herself lost in the rhythm, swaying to the beat with her eyes closed. But in the midst of her dance, she took a step backward and collided with someone. Startled, she opened her eyes to find herself face to face with her crush.

Their eyes locked for a brief moment, both of them frozen in surprise.
Then, with a soft gasp, momo stumbled backward, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Her crush reached out to steady her, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her.

"I-I'm so sorry," momo stammered, feeling mortified by the unexpected collision.

Suga chuckled, his warm smile putting her at ease. "No harm done," he assured her, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

As they shared a sheepish laugh, momo felt a rush of gratitude for his easygoing nature. Though she had never imagined their first interaction would involve her stumbling into him, she couldn't deny the thrill of being so close to him.
And as they returned to the dance floor, their laughter mingling with the music, she couldn't help but hope that this clumsy encounter might just be the beginning of something more.

As they resumed dancing, the atmosphere between them shifted, charged with an unspoken tension.
Momo's heart raced as she stole glances at her crush, her cheeks still tinged with embarrassment from their collision.
Yet, with each sway and twirl, she felt a growing sense of connection between them.

Suga, too, seemed more attentive, guiding her with a gentle touch and an occasional reassuring smile.
As they moved in sync with the music, the distance between them seemed to diminish, replaced by a magnetic pull drawing them closer together.

Lost in the moment, momo couldn't help but wonder if their accidental collision had been fate's way of bringing them closer. And as the song came to an end, she found herself hoping for more moments like this—moments where their worlds collided, sparking something magical between them.

  Will there be any moment between them?

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