VII. The Wolves

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If she thought her presence was going unnoted... It was not.

The wolves were watching Niko.

Which she knew about.

But she didn't stop coming nor did she act like she knew. She kept drawing the ocean and collecting rocks to bring home to Scarlett.

That's when someone walked up behind her, "hello," Niko greets not even bothering to look up to see who it was.

"A once-in-a-while visit," a deep voice spoke up, "from a couple of witches is nothing. But one coming every day..."

Niko turns to look at him as she says, "maybe I just like the beach."

It was a tall, tanned-skinned, black hair guy who didn't wear a shirt. He had a tattoo which she knew what it meant. 

"So you're what Werewolves look like," Niko comments trying to ignore how attractive this wolf was, "it's a good look."

Sam couldn't stop himself from smirking, "what's your name?"

"How about a name for a name?" Niko stood up holding her book by the page.

"Sam Uley," Sam put out his hand.

Niko took it, "Niko Foxx."

"Niko, huh? That's-"

"A stupid girl's name?" Niko guessed incorrectly.

"I was going to say unique," Sam laughs, "what were you drawing?"

Niko looked down at it as she shrugs, "um, just the beach..."

He put his hand out as she hands it to him, afraid not to, as he looks at her well done art of their beach. "You're good..." The Alpha told her.

Niko took it back, "thank you, I do apologize for always coming on your territory lately, it's just a helpful distraction from..."

"The bloodsuckers?" Sam asked.

Niko nods a bit, "they are part of the problem."

"You don't have to apologize," Sam admits as he takes a seat looking up at her, "sit with me. I would like to get to know a witch for once."

Niko hesitantly smiles but does and sits down.

THEA LAID IN HER BED just thinking and thinking.

Scarlett then came knocking on the door, "Thea?"

Thea hid under the blanket hoping the adult in her life would leave.

But the headmistress opens the door, "Thea, honey," she sits next to her, "is this about Ly-"

"Yes!" Thea bursts out of the blanket, "I clearly have feelings for her..."

Thea rushes her hands through her hair at the thought and realization saying it out loud for the first time in years.

"And the worst part is... She's oblivious to them! I didn't even have a chance before that bloodsucker came and stole her away."

Scarlett touches her face but Thea shrugs her off, "I don't want to be manipulated out of this through magic! I want to feel it! I want to find a way to stop it!"

"You can't just-"

Suddenly the lamp next to her bed is thrown at the wall by an energy blast!



"Control it," Scarlett tries.

Thea stood up, "what if I don't want to?! Niko has hardly any control and you all coddle her!" Tears began streaming down her face, "when it's me... I am thrown to the side. Ever since my dad..."

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