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The sun that was shinning behind Claude made him look like an angel.

An angel of death.. That what he is. God dammit. How did I get here?

Jennette calmed her breathing. She needed to calm down. It not like she didn't ask for death already. Heck her killing herself is what brought her in this situation in the first place.

Jennette took a shaky breath and bowed down elegantly in front of the emperor. "Glories upon the Obelian empire" She managed to say out loud.

Claude stared at her with a stoic face. "And you are?" He asked voice maintaining his irritation and chillness. As he stared at her features, he remembered the face of a green eyes women. He quickly shook her image out of his head. Staring at the girl, for answer. Felix behind him.

"I am Jennette margarita, I am the ward of Duke Roger Alphues.. I-i by mistakenly teleported here your majesty" Jennette explained still bowing her head and shaking. Felix blinked.

"Your majesty, I have heard of her" Felix said gained Claude's attention and catching Jennette off guard. "There has been rumors that the girl that Roger took under her wing is a elegant and a smart girl. Even at the age of 6, she can read complex books or so has been reported" Felix explained.

Ah! I wasn't aware, my reading habits were creating these rumors!

Claude stared at Jennette "is that so.. Are you implying this girl by mistakenly teleported herself.. Using magic at this age?" He stared at her eyes.

I am very thankful that uncle makes me wear the disguise all the time... Otherwise he would have seen my jeweled eyes..

Claude continued to stare at her with his cold eyes.

What with this attention?? I don't have jeweled eyes right now neither has anyone proclaimed me as your daughter! Either kill me or return me to the Duke!

Jennette almost screamt as she saw Claude reach out to her, silently wishing ijekeil a goodbye along with some of the kinder staff inside the mansion. She closed her eyes.

Suddenly she felt herself being picked up.

Wait what..

She opened her eyes, being face to face with Claude.

"...you are pretty light weighted, do you not eat and only read?" Claude asked raising an eyebrow, while Felix stared confused and Jennette internally had a panic attack.

Wait.. Isn't this what happened to athanasia???

Claude stared at her as Jennette stared back. Jennette was thinking weather it was her dark mana that was doing this. After all, Jennette did have a mana that made people charmed by her.

Claude suddenly handed her to Felix "Felix. Carry her" He ordered. "I should have some tea with my guest"

Jennette out of nowhere found herself following athanasia's storyline from who make me a princess, As she was face to face with a trail of sweets on the table and the emperor in front of her.

Jennette was still avoiding his gaze, hoping they had called the Duke and her uncle being on his way.

Why am I so worried anyways... No need to be scared..either uncle comes in on time or I die.. Simple.

"So.. You can read and use magic at 6 year of age huh?" Claude asked. Jennette blinked now glancing at Claude.

"That's half correct and half not... I can read and write, but I don't know magic. I have no idea how I teleported, your majesty" She softly replied staring at him. Making herself calm. Whatever happens, she just needs to do whatever felt right..

"That's pretty boring... Eat" Claude suddenly said. Jennette blinked as she said "pardon?"

Claude stared at her as Felix almost squealed "ah yours majesty, girls her age are usually very shy while eating" Claude hummed.

"Is that so?" Claude said still staring at her. Jennette gulped but went for it.

"I am not shy.. I just don't know why you ordered me to suddenly eat.. Your majesty" Jennette said truthfully. Recalling claude's earlier words. "I am not under weight if that's what you think I am.. Thank you for your kindness though" She politely replied.

Claude silent hummed as Felix looked taken aback, looking between Claude and Jennette. Jennette suddenly felt chills up her spine as she heard claude's next command.

"Felix leaves us"

Shit shit shit. Wasn't this what happened to athy?? Ah curse me and my mouth and curse this narrative!

I don't even remember half the things that happened in this story!

Claude again stared at her before Jennette inhaled deeply and shakingly reached  out for the food. "I ordered them to bring out something kids would like.." he Started making Jennette pause. "If you don't like it. I would have no choice but to punish the cook"

Jennette quickly took a bite of the cake. "Thank you for the food.. Your majesty." She said taking a bite...it was pretty creamy and sweet "This is quite delicious. I don't think the the cook should be punished, I would rather have him praised" She stated politely.

Claude just apathically stared at her as she continue to eat calmly.

"You are well mannered for an adopted ward" Claude said "who taught you your manners?" Jennette stayed silent before she replied.

"I just saw and copied my environment your majesty.." Jennette almost forgot who she was taking to as her memories of her old life flood by "when you are a child that no one wants.. You have no other choice but to teach yourself manners, hoping someone would see your talents and appreciate them"

For Jennette in her old life, it was her friends that saw her and cared about her... But she left them, and now she must repent.

Jennette eyes widened as she realized what she said in front of who. She glanced at Claude. Whose eyes were widened. Jeweled souless pupil staring at her with interest. They again sat there in silence.

"Is that how you feel in the Duke's mansion?" Claude asked. Jennette remember her current life, her having no one other then ijekeil. She whispered "yes... Sometimes"

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