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Jennette walked towards the breakfast hall, most of the maids were on Jennette's side adoring her even if she wasn't a true princess in their eyes but after Athanasia's arrival. There were some who started to talk.

"If princess Athanasia is back.. Why is princess jennette around?" A maid whispered. As jennette walked by the whispers stopped before they begun again. She was soon joined by two maids. Molly and Clare. Two maids that were taking care of her for years. As they walked by. Molly specifically glared at the maids nearby to shut up.

"Princess... Why did his majesty call for you today?" Molly asked a little concerned. Jennette just smiled back a little assuringly, she was touched that the maids cared about her so much.

"It's fine.. But I can make a rough guess. Its probably because of how Athanasia returned" Jennette said walking between the maids. "The way Athy returned was weird, in the middle of the debute all of a sudden. On the other hand, living with Duke Roger for years in silence... Escaping from captors that we still don't know off"

Molly looked a little gloomy before she asked "princess are you okay?"

Jennette blinked and gave a wink. "I trust his majesty to not kick me out of the palace all of a sudden..thats why I am not anxious. Before Athy's disappearance we lived together in equality" Jennette reminded.

But that was before I knew that athy was donna.

Doesn't matter though, I trust Claude enough to not just throw me away...

But if dark magic in involved. Then I don't know what will happen.

Jennette thought about donna.

It's almost like we are distined to meet in everylife.

Claude was scribbling something down when Jennette entered the room bowing and greetings him. "You called me your majesty?" She asked taking a usual seat as Claude sat in front of her.

"Your expression that night.." Claude started as Jennette drank her tea and stopped mid way. "What was that expression? You looked thankful that athanasia returned but also fearful"

Jennette stared at him before she replied "I was scared of the captors getting to us your majesty.. Thinking what could make athy stay away from us for so long"

After a moments of silence. Claude asked "i would like to hear your thoughts on what happened at the debute" Jennette blinked looking at him in confusion. "You were also involved in the matter, is it wrong to ask for your opinions?"

Yes but... Since when did you start asking about other people's opinions?

Do I say what I want to say?

"May I be honest with you, your majesty?" Jennette asked as Claude nodded. "It's kinda weird that athy came out of nowhere or that we can't seem to find her captives"

Athanasia and now uncle Roger and ijekiel are unavoidable enemies that I have to keep close eye on.

They have to think what I want them too, know what I want them too.

"But I have trust in athanasia and my uncle to tell the truth. So we shouldn't ponder on how she came back and just be happy she is back" Jennette sipped her tea again. Waiting for Claude to say something but he didn't. They just sat there silently drinking their tea.

Jennette walked towards the castle library, picking up a book about the infrastructure inside the obelia church's walls. Many things were circling on her mind.

"Sister~" A familiar voice was heard singing along, calling out to her. Jennette glanced up and faked a smile.

"Athy. How are you doing today?" Jennette asked closing her book and quickly replacing it with the one about a power stone. Jennette turned around glancing at athy properly. She knew athy could see the book about the power stone that was found in the Donation house, it was a gift from the obelian family years ago.

"Why are you in the library? It's been so long. There are so many things I would like to talk to you about!" Athy said grabbing Jennette's arm. Jennette sighed and nodded keeping the book away and following her. As they walked down the stairs athy started to walk fast. Jennette blinked what was she up to? As predicted athy fell on top of someone.

Jennette just stared at she realized athy fell on top of Lucas. Lucas growled as he hissed out "did you not learn anything from our previous talk?"

Previous talk? They have communicated before? Why didn't I hear about that?

Jennette walked down closer to them. "Athy? Lucas are you two okay?" Jennette asked mostly asking Lucas. Athy nodded though quickly stepping away from Lucas and closer to Jennette. Almost using her as a shield.

"I am fine! The strong wizard caught me on time!" Athy said cheerfully. Lucas frowned "caught you? More like was your victim"

Lucas glanced at Jennette as if asking 'was this girl mad?' Jennette just sighed. Lucas was Athy's love interest so she can see her trying to get him on her side.

The real question is that... Would he be on her side?... He is on mine currently because he finds me entertaining.

Jennette glanced at Lucas who was glaring at athy, athy still pretty much using Jennette as a shield.

If I can lose ijekiel, I can lose Lucas.

That's what she told herself.

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