Addictive Madness

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The tip of his nose was less than an inch from brushing against mine, his heated breath caressing my lips like the ghost of a haunted kiss.

My mouth became unbearably dry, leaving a sudden thirst to parch my tongue and scorch my throat.

I swallowed the arid air and subtly licked my chapped lips in a futile attempt to satisfy the ache. My eyes flickered undecided between Caiden's eyes and his slightly parted lips. Heat flushed my cheeks at the memory of his mouth against mine.

"I-I'm okay," I finally managed to whisper past the loud beats of my drumming heart.

A flash of hurt swiftly rippled through those spirit-blessed eyes. "Please, do not lie to me, Will," he whispered, slowly moving his hand down my cheek to brush his calloused thumb against my lower lip. "I may have swiftly healed the worst of your injuries, but not all." A faint hiss skipped past my tongue as Caiden touched the open wound. "Your lip is still split. I see bruises taking shape across your jaw, and I dare not think of the injuries that I have yet to witness."

I sighed with relief as a rush of cool, delicious magic washed over my wounds. The burn instantly faded, and the throbbing across the right side of my jaw subsided.

A smile tugged at the right corner of Caiden's mouth as my body slackened a bit against the wall. "That's just a taste," he muttered, his voice unusually sensual as he gently lifted my chin again. "Now, explain to me where else it hurts, and let me take your pain."

My mind had started spinning a bit as if the hair had been imbued with an airborne type of that alcohol Piper had shown such fondness for. Except, the air didn't taste bitter or foul. It was surprisingly sweet—addictive.

"What about you?" I whispered, struggling to keep hold of my sanity through the thickening mist. "You were badly injured during your fight, too."

I subconsciously lifted my hand from the hardened sand bench beneath me and reached up to touch his face. The blue stains of blood still spoiled his skin, but I didn't feel any abnormalities underneath.

Caiden carefully wrapped my hand with his and guided it to his mouth. My chest tingled curiously when he pressed his lips against the tip of my index finger.

"I already healed my injuries during the fight. Right before the second round."

My eyes widened. "The smoke?" I muttered.

Caiden nodded and kissed my palm. "Rapid healing generates so much heat that the blood around my wounds boils while it mends."

"Doesn't that hurt?" I bit my lip as he placed another kiss on the heel of my hand, healing another of my bruises.

Caiden sighed and lifted his eyes to meet mine once again. My heart stopped for a brief moment. "It does, but pain is merely a state of the mind, and the benefits far outweigh the cost."

How astounding. I hadn't even noticed Caiden flinch.

"I can teach you," he said, squeezing my hand lightly.

I arched my brow. "Rapid healing?"

Caiden chuckled quietly, the rumble from his chest sending shivers through my body. "No. Control. Mind over matter."

"Really?" I whispered, the haze slowly drawing me back in as Caiden leaned closer again.

Caiden hummed a yes, his eyes erratically searching my flushed face. "Of course," he muttered. "If anyone can master that technique in the available time, it's you. But know it will be challenging, and I cannot afford to go easy on you. A war is coming, and we must be prepared."

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