Chapter 3: Spellbound Showdown

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Zela: Ugh! Can this day get any worse?

Amelia: Literally. And the dueling is tomorrow. Let's not forget we don't know many spells. This is going to be tough.

Choi: Lads, fret not. I know some spells that can help, and remember, we have a library filled with spell books. I'm sure we got this. But we need to practice and master them in a couple of hours.

Zela: Then we should start practicing immediately.

Amelia: I'm with both of you.

Choi: Excellent!

Amelia: I think we should sit this one out. It's too much.

Zela: No, we're not quitters. We are Ravenclaws, so let's give them a showdown tomorrow without any doubts.

Choi: Amen!

Amelia: Okay, I hear you, but I'm still scared. I've never done anything like this before, and who knows if we'll even prevail. They'll laugh at us and mock us if we don't.

Zela: Amelia, why are you doubting us and yourself? We can definitely do this. But you have to believe in yourself and tell yourself, "I can."

Amelia: You're right. I'm sorry, guys.

Zela: It's okay, Meli. Or should I call you Meli instead? smiles

Choi: Hey, I like those names too. Meli is my go-to, I'm afraid. laughs

Amelia: I like them too. And once again, I'm with you. Meli it is. smiles

Zela: Great. But let's head back to our dorm to practice.

Amelia & Choi: Okay!

"The girls were determined about the duel tomorrow, but they had to be prepared regardless. As they headed towards their Ravenclaw dorm, a talking picture on the door challenged them with a riddle".

 As they headed towards their Ravenclaw dorm, a talking picture on the door challenged them with a riddle"

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Zela: Excuses! You didn't even tell us the riddle we're supposed to answer. ;rolls her eyes'

Amelia: Look, lady, are you going to tell us the riddle or not? getting upset

Choi: We don't have all day, you know.

Talking Lady in Picture: Alright, alright! Best you get this riddle right, or no one will get it.

"The talking lady then presents the riddle" "."I speak without a mouth and hear and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind". What am I?

Zela: Hmm, I know this.

Amelia & Choi: Me too!

"Together, the three girls answer, 'echo,' and it's correct".

Talking Lady in Picture: Alright, smarty pants. You are correct, and you may enter now.

"The girls enter their common room".

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