Chapter 8: The Journey Continues

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As nightfall draped over Ravenclaw house, a jubilant atmosphere enveloped the halls, echoing the triumph of their Quidditch victory against Gryffindor. Zela, Amelia, and Choi reveled in the thrill of their first Quidditch match, celebrating with fervor amidst their fellow housemates. Laughter filled the air as they engaged in spirited games, basking in the glow of their accomplishment.

However, the festivities took an unexpected turn when Amelia and Choi suddenly felt unwell, their joy dampened by nausea and discomfort. Hastening to the restroom, they assured Zela of their condition, attributing it to the excitement of the match and indulging in post-game feasting. Yet, as minutes stretched into an hour, Zela's concern mounted, prompting her to investigate.

Arriving at the restroom, Zela was met with a chilling sight - her friends lay unconscious on the floor. Before she could comprehend the situation, Professor Douglas materialized, delivering a cryptic message: "If you wish to see your friends unharmed, meet me in the dark forest." With a menacing aura, the professor vanished, leaving Zela bewildered and incensed by the sinister threat against her friends.

Rallying her resolve, Zela retreated to her room, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending confrontation. With determination fueling her actions, she meticulously prepared for the challenge ahead, arming herself with an arsenal of spells and enchantments. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon her, driving her to confront the looming danger head-on.

Emerging from the Ravenclaw dormitory, Zela's path intersected with Neo, who implored her attention amidst the urgency of the moment.

Neo- "Zela!" he called out, concern etched in his voice.

Zela- "Neo, now is not the time," she replied tersely, her focus unwavering.

Neo- "What's wrong? Can I help?" Neo's persistence mirrored his genuine desire to assist.

Zela- "I wish I could explain, but I can't risk involving you," Zela responded, her resolve unwavering.

Neo- "If your friends are in trouble, I want to help," Neo persisted, his sincerity evident.

Zela- "Your offer means a lot, Neo, but this is something I must face alone," Zela affirmed, her determination unyielding as she embarked on her quest to rescue her friends from peril.

Zela bid Neo farewell as she walked away, her mind consumed with worry for her friends. Using a discreet spell, she whisked herself away to the dark forest, ensuring no one noticed her departure. Upon arrival, darkness enveloped her surroundings, prompting her to illuminate her wand to navigate the eerie woods. Despite the daunting presence of unknown creatures, Zela pressed forward, determined to rescue her friends from peril.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, Zela stumbled upon a peculiar sight: Choi and Amelia bound to a tree, with Professor Douglas standing before them. The scene grew even more unsettling as Zela noticed ritualistic tools scattered nearby, casting an ominous shadow over the encounter. Professor Douglas wasted no time addressing Zela, her tone laced with sinister intent.

Professor Douglas: "You will set the dark one free tonight as you were promised."

Zela: "Why are you doing this?"

Professor Douglas: "Because I am willing to do whatever it takes to serve my master."

Zela: "Your master is nothing but a mere illusion and a joke."

Professor Douglas: "How dare you!"

Zela: "No! How dare you! What would Neo think about this?"

Professor Douglas: "I do not care about Neo or his family. They mean nothing to me."

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