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"I have missed us" Edgar whispered, his fingers gently cupping Reva's cheeks with his gaze fixated on her beautiful, dazzling red eyes.

"There was never an 'Us' and there will never be!" She said heartlessly.

As her words echoed in the air, the tension between her and Edgar reached it's breaking point. She forcefully pushed Edgar's hands away from her face, severing any lingering physical contact between them.

Determined to distance herself from there, Reva turned to leave, vanishing into thin air without a trace of melancholy. Edgar, feeling hurt by her words, wanted to go after her. However, his departure was abruptly halted by Lucien, who stood in his path, a stern expression etched on his face.

Lucien's eyes bore into Edgar, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and protectiveness.

"Didn't you hear her?" he spat out, his gaze unwavering.

Unwilling to back down, Edgar met Lucien's intense glare with one of his own.

"How is that any of your business, and why were you eavesdropping on us?" he retorted sharply.

Lucien's fists tightened, his voice resonating with an air of possessiveness.

"She's mine, and I will stay wherever she is" he declared, a hint of vulnerability seeping into his words.

A mocking laugh escaped Edgar's lips at his words.

"I never knew the great Lucifer's son had become a dreamer" he sneered, a sly grin stretching across his face.

Lucien's frown deepened, his patience wearing thin.

"Stay away from her if you wish to live a longer life" he warned, his tone carrying a chilling reminder of his formidable origins, before disappearing into the air.

"You will be the one needing that advice" Edgar muttered, his voice tinged with a devilish smirk.


Alice found herself facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge as she stood before a towering shelf, desperately eyeing a book that had caught her interest. Determined to obtain it, she mustered all her strength and made several futile attempts to reach it but to no avail. The book remained stubbornly out of her grasp, mocking her with its elevated position. Frustration welled up within her as she realized that there was no ladder in sight to aid her in her quest.

Undeterred by the lack of conventional means, Alice resorted to her magical abilities. Closing her eyes and focusing her energy, she silently pleaded for her powers to come to her aid. However, to her disappointment, her magic failed to respond. Deflated but not defeated, she refused to give up.

A glimmer of hope flickered within Alice as she witnessed a slight movement on the shelf. Her eyes widened with anticipation, believing that her magic had finally worked its charm. However, her joy was short-lived when a different book tumbled from its perch and landed squarely on her head with a resounding thud.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed, instinctively reaching for the sore spot on her head, her frown deepening.

Fueled by a mix of anger and pain, Alice lashed out at the shelf in frustration, delivering an angry kick. Unfortunately, her outburst backfired, causing her to injure her leg and forcing her to hop in discomfort. As she nursed her wounded pride, a serendipitous turn of events unfolded before her eyes.

As if responding to her plight, the coveted book began to lower itself toward her as if by some unseen force. A broad smile spread across Alice's face as she realized that fortune had finally favored her. With nimble hands, she reached out and caught the descending book, triumphantly pulling it close to her chest.

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