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There's an uproar in the hallway, echoing with excited whispers and gasps that spread like wildfire. The source of the commotion? None other than the school's notorious heartthrobs who had just stepped into the scene. With their captivating presence, they effortlessly commanded attention, turning heads and eliciting a flurry of emotions from the enamored crowd.

"Someone please hold me, I think I'm gonna pass out!"

"Why do you guys keep getting hotter every day?!!"

"Phoenix, please I wanna scream your name on your sheets!"

"The sun is jealous of your hotness, Lucie!"

"I wanna be your Queen!"

"All I have ever wanted is you, V!"

"Imagine those lips on yours!"

"I'll faint!"

"Faint? I'm gonna fucking die!"

Girls kept going head over heels for their charming irresistible looks. Unfazed by the uproar they caused, the handsome devils remained composed, accustomed to the admiration that followed them wherever they went.

Amid the flurry, Lucinda sought affirmation from her minion, Coral.

"How am I looking, Coral?" She asked, her eyes fixed on the approaching heartthrobs. Her nerves mingled with excitement as she adjusted her clothes, hoping to make a lasting impression.

"You know the answer, baby" she replied, a mischievous wink accompanying her words. "Smoking hot!"

Buoyed by Coral's words of encouragement, Lucinda flashed a confident smile and waited for the captivating figures to walk by, determined to capture the attention of no one other than Lucien.

As they drew nearer, Lucinda's heartbeat quickened. His presence always had a huge effect on her, and she couldn't help but yearn for his gaze, his attention.

As if sensing her intentions, Lucien's gaze met hers, but he looked away, his attention shifting forward. Lucinda's hopeful expression fell, leaving her dejected. She wanted him to notice her, to acknowledge her presence in the same way she acknowledged his.


Devyn had always possessed the gift of visions, glimpses into the past, present, and future. They were her connection to a realm beyond the ordinary, a realm that held secrets and truths waiting to be unraveled. But this time was different. This time, the visions had come to her like a whirlwind, hazy and elusive, refusing to reveal their true nature.

As the last remnants of the visions faded from her mind, Devyn felt a sense of unease settles within her. She had never experienced such a lack of clarity before, and it troubled her deeply. The weight of uncertainty bore down on her, leaving her vulnerable and unsure.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the fog of her confusion.

"Baby, baby, Devyn!" Chevy's urgent tone pulled her back to the present moment. His concerned face came into focus as she blinked away the remnants of her vision-induced daze.

Gasping for breath, Devyn tried to steady herself. "Wh... what just happened?!!" she managed to stammer, her voice still shaken.

Chevy's hand gently grasped hers, his touch grounding her.

"I think it was your visions" he replied, his voice filled with understanding.

Devyn's brows furrowed as she tried to piece together the fragments of her experience.

"But they weren't clear this time, and it has never been like that before" she confessed, her gaze searching his face for answers.

Chevy's eyes softened, reflecting his concern for her well-being.

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