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So her father became the accountant of Dongsheng Village, which enabled him to earn ten cents. In addition to her father's benefits from serving in the war, the life of father and daughter in the village can be considered very good.

While other families were working hard for a mouthful of rice, Fang Yuxi could eat the egg custard specially made for her by her father every day. While other families were working hard for a mouthful of eggs, Fang Yuxi could eat her father's egg custard from time to time. When it came to clothing, while other families scrimped and saved, Fang Yuxi had the privilege of receiving a new set of clothes each year.

Fang Yuxi is the envy of every child in Dongsheng Village. Despite boys not facing the same gender preference issues at home, the abundance of siblings in their families often prevents them from enjoying the same level of comfort and luxury as Fang Yuxi.

Girls are even more jealous of Fang Yuxi, because at this time, it is very common in rural areas to favor boys over girls. Girls are considered burdens and would belong to other people's families in the future. Better families will not mistreat girls, but they wouldn't pamper them either. If she is not too pampered, a girl would become the nanny and punching bag of the family. She will do more work than a cow and eat less than a chicken. Compared to Fang Yuxi, which girl would not be jealous?

But all of this beauty vanished when Fang Yuxi turned six years old. It all began with her father's death, followed by when she agreed to let Tang Guihua take care of her and when she believed Tang Guihua's deceitful words and schemes.

In her previous life, Tang Guihua also uttered these same words to her. At that time, she was young and naive, overwhelmed by the fear of being alone and uncertainty about the future, which led her to believe Tang Guihua's deceptive words. She genuinely believed that Tang Guihua was a good person and a kind-hearted aunt, so she confided in her and firmly believed in her words.

Although the money and various bills left by her father were not much, they were all taken away by Tang Guihua for safekeeping. At the beginning, Tang Guihua was indeed very good to her, treating her better than her own three daughters and sons. Although their food and expenses are not as good as when their father was alive, she thought this was normal because Tang Guihua's family was not rich.

It wasn't until half a year later that the Tang family's house was "accidentally" set on fire when she was setting fire to it. Feeling guilty, she gave Tang Guihua the only house left to her by her father without saying a word. In exchange for compensation, Tang Guihua's family of seven moved into the three-room blue brick house that her father had put great effort into building. From that day on, her home was no longer her home.

Tang Guihua's family also began to change that day, becoming unrecognizable to her. The kind Aunt Tang no longer loved her as much as before, and Aunt Tang's husband, Uncle Dadongyang, also treated her with disdain. Their five children even bluntly said that she was a little bastard freeloading off them, a broom that outlived her father and mother, and bullied her in various ways.

Reflecting on it now, she realizes how foolish she was back then. After enduring mistreatment, she sought help from Tang Guihua, hoping for support, only to be deceived by her. With no other option, she had to let it go. The village, and even neighboring villages, began spreading rumors about her being both fatherless and motherless, causing people to avoid her like a snake or a scorpion. Ironically, many believed the Tang family to be benevolent for taking in Fang Yuxi, her supposed adversary.

If not for the tumultuous ten-year revolutionary period aimed at dismantling the Four Olds and overthrowing feudal traditions, the village would never have tolerated her due to her reputation as an outcast.

And because of this, no matter how hard she lived in the Tang family, no one said that the Tang family was unjust, because in everyone's eyes, taking in Luo Yu, an orphan, was already a great good deed.

And she was stupid as hell at that time. So many people said that she, Fang Yuxi, was the bearer of misfortune for her parents. The more they said it, the more she believed it. She became less and less confident and had lower self-esteem. Even if the Tang family went too far, she still tolerated it. Thinking about herself at that time, she really looked down on herself.

"I won't leave home, Aunt Tang." Fang Yuxi wiped away her tears and stepped out of Tang Guihua's embrace. To be honest, she was so disgusted that she felt so dirty all over her body.

"Xixi, don't be so stubborn. You'd be all alone, without a penny or food. How do you plan to survive? Be obedient and go home with Aunt Tang. You'll always have enough to eat at Aunt Tang's house, even if it means I go without. I'll support you," Tang Guihua pleaded as she witnessed Fang Yuxi's refusal, growing genuinely anxious. How could she acquire the house if Fang Yuxi didn't accompany her?

"Aunt Tang, I know you have good intentions, but I want to keep my home. This is the home my father and mother gave me. I have to keep it. I can manage on my own. I can gather pig grass in exchange for work points. I have snacks. With so little, I can support myself."

Fang Yuxi sniffed and said with a stubborn look on her face. She just didn't want to follow Tang Guihua's suggestion, which made Tang Guihua even more anxious. She wished she could beat Fang Yuxi like she beat her own daughter Mei Hua to make this girl obedient.

"Why are you so headstrong, girl!" Seeing that she could not persuade Fang Yuxi to listen to her, she could only leave in frustration, with unwillingness and resentment shining in her eyes.

"Oh, forget it, Xixi, you've just woken up. Think about things slowly and don't worry for now. Life is not as simple as you think. With no adults at home, how will you, a six-year-old girl, manage without a man? Okay, Aunt Tang, I won't say more. Think it over carefully. Don't rush. When you figure it out, just tell me what you've decided. It will still count!"

Knowing that today's goal could not be achieved, Tang Guihua felt extremely depressed. She thought that she was just a six-year-old little girl with no parents. She thought that she could simply say a few comforting words to this six-year-old girl without parents to make the child listen to her. Yet, I didn't expect this girl to change so much. Before her father died, she used to be delicate and frail, but now she insisted on having her own ideas. It was truly bewildering.

However, Tang Guihua is a smart person. Even though she resented Fang Yuxi for not following her desired path, she didn't show it. She still cared for Fang Yuxi as always, showing love as an elder would. What she said wasn't insincere. These were all heartfelt words.

"This is egg custard. Eat it quickly. It'll provide you with a good supplement. You've suffered a lot in the past two days. Your father would be very distressed if he were here. I have so many household chores that I can't properly take care of you. You're a;; alone. Do you know that you have to close the doors and windows at home? Oh! I'm really worried, why don't you come home with me?"

Tang Guihua offered the egg custard to Fang Yuxi with a pained expression. She wasn't a particularly generous person. With many dependents in the family, apart from her husband and two sons, no one else would willingly sacrifice an egg to eat. It's a little money, but giving Fang Yuxi one to eat will really make Tang Guihua's heart and soul entangled.

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