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Even though she was a poor girl, she still attracted the attention of many boys. At this time, the awareness of marriage in the countryside was not high enough. Regardless of whether they were boys or girls, they could usually get married and have children by the age of sixteen or seventeen. Nowadays, a girl who is not married at the age of twenty can be said to be a leftover girl. Boys can still say that they should start a career before starting a family, but girls are very anxious.

Therefore, Fang Yuxi, who has a house, money, skills, and good looks but is not as young as her natal family at fifteen years old, has become the favorite of Dongsheng Village and the best target for many men with unmarried wives at home.

Especially in the past two years, there are always many boys around Fang Yuxi, who come to talk to her with blushing faces or stammering. After all, although Fang Yuxi is a bit darker, she is also one of the top beauties in Dongsheng Village. The beauty is just based on her appearance. Attracted the attention of countless boys.

In order to make a living and find a source for her endless supplies and goodies, Fang Yuxi used Zeng Minghui's wife Mo Xinru to sell her products at the supply and marketing cooperative in the town as early as the second year after meeting Zeng Minghui. Various snacks.

Although the job of herding sheep is easy for Fang Yuxi, it still takes up too much time. There is no day off throughout the year, and the rewards are not great.

So knowing that snacks from the supply and marketing cooperative were expensive and scarce, she deliberately took out various snacks she made herself, and never forgot to stuff these snacks for Xiaoxiao every time she went to see him.

Fang Yuxi's skills are good and she is willing to add ingredients, such as red bean cake, mung bean cake, water chestnut cake, crystal cake, red date cake, date paste yam cake, green tea cake, egg yolk cake, chestnut cake, etc., so many recipes, so many pastries. , she has tried them all, and the finished products are beautiful and delicious, unlike these more traditional pastries now, which are beautiful, beautiful and delicious.

When giving gifts during holidays and New Years, Fang Yuxi always likes to make her pastries beautifully and wrap them in oil paper. The small package is colorful and the pastries are magnificent and attractive. The Zeng family I like it.

Not to mention Xiaoxiao's little glutton and love to eat, even when she entertains guests, Mo Xinru's face is bright. Every time she entertains guests, she always receives a wave of compliments and inquiries, which makes Mo Xinru look good.

After a year of preparation, Fang Yuxi successfully persuaded Mo Xinru to match her and successfully sold her pastries to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Of course, although the pastries that Fang Yuxi sells to the supply and marketing cooperative are better-looking and more delicious than those currently available, they are not too exquisite. Fang Yuxi always chooses the ingredients to make pastries. If there are red beans, she will make red bean cakes. If there are mung beans, she will make them. Just make mung bean cake, make red date cake if you have red dates, and make chestnut cake if you have chestnuts.

Fang Yuxi seldom made those products that had limited raw materials and were more troublesome, but once she made them, the prices were more expensive and more popular.

In the end, Fang Yuxi decided on mung bean cake, red date cake, peanut cake, and egg yolk cake as the most commonly made cakes. She would only make some cakes like water chestnut cake and red date cake when raw materials were available. Occasionally, she would make other cakes that were more laborious. There are more delicious and beautiful pastries out there, but of course, those are more expensive.

Also because Fang Yuxi needs raw materials to make cakes, the villagers in Dongsheng Village have been planting a large number of red beans, mung beans, peanuts and other crops in their private plots in recent years. Most of the chestnuts, red dates and so on picked up in the mountains are sold to Fang Yuxi, which has greatly improved The economic conditions of the villagers in Dongsheng Village.

Over the years, everyone has noticed Fang Yuxi's conditions, and she has become a famous golden doll. Marrying Fang Yuxi means marrying Fang Yuxi's house, marrying Fang Yuxi's money, marrying Fang Yuxi's craftsmanship, marrying Fang Yuxi everything of.

With such a golden doll and such good conditions, who wouldn't want to marry her home? She has risen from being the nemesis of her father and mother to the most popular girl. Regarding her reputation as a nemesis, everyone has taken the initiative to explain to her that she It suppresses the father and the mother, but it makes the husband prosperous and the husband's family prosperous!

It was okay when Fang Yuxi was young, and everyone would say that this girl was really capable and good at her craftsmanship, leaving a good impression in front of Fang Yuxi.

But as she grew up, more and more boys showed attention to her, and they became more and more annoying, and there were also many who had evil thoughts about her, which made Fang Yuxi very troubled.

So after Fang Yuxi made money, she had already built a high-level wall, and she added another level to guard against those scoundrels with evil intentions. She was afraid that someone would come with the evil intention of recruiting rice to cook a meal. .

Even after so many years, Fang Yuxi has never forgotten what happened in the mountains. She has been paying attention to it all these years, and the older she grows, the more vigilant she becomes. After all, she is already a big girl, and she is still holding a gold brick. Beautiful girls are the easiest group to bully. At this time, there are people behind her who can block the schemes of those who are interested.

In order to strengthen her own protection, in addition to working hard to study the medical books and poisons in the space, she also learned Juntiquan from Sun Changqing in the bullpen, just to enhance her own force value.

No one knows that Fang Yuxi, a little girl, after so many years of training, although her skills are not as good as Ou Yuchen, an experienced professional soldier, she can still hold on in his hands for ten minutes. She is also very good at being able to do this. Satisfied.

It's just that sometimes she feels a little unwilling to look at the countless jade slips of secret books in the space. There is a treasure mountain in nothing. Fortunately, after so many years, she has become accustomed to it, and the military style boxing is also good.

It's just that, after so many years, her defense has been tight and effective, but she has failed to guard against this stinky gangster next to her.

He was so skilled that no wall could stop him. He often appeared in her sight and she ignored the danger. However, she did not expect that this was also a man, and a very powerful man.

When she was hugged by Ou Yuchen, a stinky gangster, pressed against the wall of the main room and kissed passionately, she was almost stunned! I never dreamed that such an experience would happen.

By the time she came to her senses, this man had already eaten all the tender tofu on her body. She doubted that if she hadn't been too young, the stinky gangster would have killed her on the spot. To this day, she still has no idea. She still remembers his hungry wolf-like look, which scared her to death at that time.

Later, she didn't know why. She had never had such thoughts before, but she was coaxed by this man to the point of being dizzy, and they became a couple in a daze.

However, she did not make this man feel better and refused to make their relationship public, so in the eyes of outsiders, she was still the helpless little orphan, and Ou Yuchen was still the son of his father's comrade-in-arms.

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