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Walking back out of the office I find myself looking around at all the things I didn't notice coming in. I can't get a great look because the Head Mistress is moving too fast but, I do notice that it wasn't just her office that seemed huge. "Okay Ashlynn, I know this is all scary but just know you choose here." she said, but I was unsure what she was talking about. Seeing my confusion she continued. "As a Little you get to choose who your Big is." "Big?" I ask yes. "Yes, Little One. Your Big, or Dom. You will start classes tomorrow. Your first two classes of the day are mixed classes. You will be with other un-matched Littles and un-matched Doms. During those classes you will be paired with an un-matched Dom, but you don't have to stay with them. If anything feels off you can tell your teacher and she will separate the two of you okay?" she asks. I just nod unsure of it all.

"Anyway let's walk through your schedule so you know where to find your classes. Your name tag has a QR code that will tell any teacher your schedule, so if you forget or get lost you can always ask a teacher." I just nod again, this is a lot of information. She shows me two classes before her phone chimes. She lets go of my hand as she reaches in her pocket to get her phone. After she answers her voice turns scary and she sort of growls into the phone. She tells whoever is on the phone with her to escort them to her office and that she will be there shortly. When she is done on the phone she looks back down to me and her expression softens. "I sorry Little One, I didn't mean to frighten you, you're okay, there is no need for tears." Tears? I didn't even know I was crying. Trembling, yes I knew I was trembling. She is quite scary. When she reaches out to take my hand I jerk back reflexively. She sighs as she lowers her hand. Just then a person comes rushing up to us.

"Head Mistress, Mrs. Conner sent me. She said you were showing a new Little around. She asked me to finish up for you so you can get back to your office." He says. He is tall, and I take a step closer to the Head Mistress. She may be scary but I know her more. The Head Mistress nods at the boy before turning back to me. "Okay Little One, this is Timothy, he will show you to your next few classrooms before taking you to your dorm." she says then she turns back to Timothy. She hands him a clip with a tag attached to it. "Her schedule is already uploaded. She just needs to see her afternoon classroom locations, then take her to her dorm. You know the rules, no Doms in Little dorm unless invited in. If she slips her Dorm Dom is two doors down from her. She knows everything she needs and will take care of her from there." she says to him. After he gives her a cheeky salute she rushes back down the way we came.

I'm startled when I hear a voice right next to my ear. "Aren't you a cute Little. Come on cutie let's finish up your tour. I'm sure you're ready to get to your dorm and relax." Before I could confirm or deny his statement he stands taking my hand and we are off. I can't say much as I am far too busy trying to keep up with him. Do they all walk so fast? I feel him come to a stop as he opens a door to a classroom that finally has normal sized furniture. This is the Little Sanctuary. This is where you will go after lunch." He says as I look around the room. It is a rather large room. He lets me walk fully in the room. Once inside I see that it is set up with multiple stations in the room. "What are we supposed to do here?" I ask so low that if he were human he would not have heard me. Timothy looks surprised for a moment before he explains the room. "Well, you could take a nap." He says pointing out a row of small beds and a couple of cribs. "That area has a glass enclosure to keep out loud Littles." He says making me notice the walls I didn't see at first. Then he moves further in the room. If you aren't tired you could play in the play station." He says pointing to an area with a toy kitchen and laundry area. I have never played with those kinds of toys, but I have done plenty of cooking and laundry. I don't think I want to play there. I think scrunching my nose up at the idea of it.

Timothy must have noticed my reaction as he chuckles moving further into the room. "Okay, no play station. Well, there's also an area for coloring and all types of crafts. he says. Now that I could get behind. I eagerly walk into that area noticing all the crayons and colored pencils. I get even more excited when I see paint and easels. I'm about to go paint a pretty picture when my hand is tugged and I am pulled away. I let out a small whine as I looked up to a smiling Timothy. " We have a little artist, do we?" he says and now I'm blushing. "Well cutie you can paint a pretty picture tomorrow, for now we must finish the tour." he says as I pout. I don't want to finish the tour I want to paint. I pull my hand from his catching him off guard. "No tour, paint." I whine and stamp my feet. I have no clue why I'm whining but it feels right. So I go with it. "Not now Little One, we have to finish the tour." Timothy says before taking my hand again. He was too fast for me to pull it away.

My head starts to feel fuzzy and I stamp my feet again. I don't know why I can't let this go but it is getting hard to control my actions now. "No, no, no, NOOO!" I yell. I can feel tears streaming down my face. I just want to paint. I no like it here. Everyone is so tall and scary. Everything outside of this room is huge. Timothy is huge. I just wanna paint. Now, I'm just sad. I let my legs go limp as I fall to my bottom. I looked up at Timothy and at first he looked like he was mad but when he saw my tears his eyes softened. "Okay Little One, how about I take you to your dorm and we can ask your Dorm Dom if she has anything you can paint with?" He asks. I just sniffle as I hold my arms up to him. He quickly picks me up and we leave the room. I have know idea where we went but soon we arrive in a hallway that has a lot of people in it. I hid my face in Timothy's shoulder not wanting to see anyone else. I feel Timothy stop walking and then I hear him knocking on a door. It's not long before I hear a door open and I can hear talking but I zone it out until I feel Timothy vibrate with his voice. "Hey Lena, I didn't know you were a Dorm Dom." The other person replies but I'm not listening to her. "Yeah, well. I was taking this Little One on a tour of her classes and she slipped. Her file says she is between 3-4. I think she just got a bit overwhelmed. She got really worked up in the Little Sanctuary. She wanted to paint. I know they aren't allowed to use the room without a teacher around. When I was trying to get her to continue the tour she slipped. The Head mistress said that you are her Dorm Dom and that you would be able to take her if she slipped." My head is getting fuzzier and I snuggle in closer to Timothy, but before I can get comfy I am taken from him and placed on someone else's hip.

I panic I don't know this person but before I can protest the door is being closed and Timothy is gone. "Sshhh your okay Little One. My name is Lana. I know everything is probably scary and new huh?" She asks, pulling me away from her chest so that she can see my face. I nod looking at her and she looks just like Mia. "Mia?" I say noticing my voice is a bit strange. Lana's face lights up and she smiles. "Mia is my twin sister, do you know her?" I nod still unsure of this new person in front of me. "Well that explains it. Mia loves art. Did you color and paint with Mia?" I nod again unsure what to say. "Well how about I set you up with some paint and paper? You can paint while I finish up some school work and then I will show you to your dorm okay Sweet Girl?" I smiled at that. I get to paint! Soon I am set up with paint, water and paper. Lana also brings over a pink sippy cup. "Here Little One, this is so you don't accidentally put your brush in your juice while you paint." she says, I guess that makes sense. "Tank You! I nearly shout before I get into painting.

When I'm all done painting I look around the room I'm in. It looks like a living room but it has all kinds of little kid stuff set up. The furniture is huge just like in the office. I see a giant t.v. and make my way over there, but before I could get too far I am picked up. "Woah, where are you going Little One?" Lana asks as I point to the t.v. You want to watch a little t.v.?" she asks and I nod. "Okay, why don't you watch while I get dinner ready for you?" she asks, dinner? Sure, I can eat. I open my mouth to reply but she places me on the couch and turns the t.v. on. I am immediately lost to the colorful screen.

Way too soon I feel myself being picked up again and set at a table. This chair is really comfy. When I look down I notice that I am sitting on some sort of booster seat. Lana reaches down and straps something around my waist and then something is being placed around my neck. When I look down I can see the little girl from the show I was watching on a bib. Wait a bib why any I in a bib? I try to take it off but Lana stops me. "Leave it on, we don't want to get your pretty clothes dirty do we?" I look down again and shake my head. Lana places a bowl of food in front of me. I have no idea what this is. "Wat dis?" I ask, not liking the words coming from me. Why can't I talk clearly? "Zoodles, Little One. Try it, I think you'll like it." She says. I pick up my fork noticing the same girl from the bib on it. I'm tired and hungry so I just go for it. Thankfully it tastes amazing. It's not long before I put my fork down. I am exhausted. The fuzzies in my head are getting worse. I can feel myself being moved about but I am just too tired to care. Soon I am placed on a soft bed and I drift off to sleep.

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