Hello, Summer Break

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Monday, May 29th

"Jasmine. JASMINE!!"

I abruptly sat up in my bed from the feeling of a few light shakes to my shoulder and the sound of my name being shouted. I looked up to see that my mom was standing over me with a gentle smile on her face.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, sleepyhead. I just wanted to tell you that Marine Odyssey opened earlier this morning."

The grogginess immediately left my body and was replaced with excitement when I remembered that it was the first day of summer break as well as the new aquarium in my city's grand opening to the public. 2 months of freedom away from my least favorite place and the opening of a building that houses my favorite kind of animals ever, the best way to kickstart the day. I quickly ran into my bathroom to brush and teeth and shower. Once I was finished, I put on my blue dress that was covered in small, pink flowers and slid white sneakers onto my feet. I put on my favorite set of white earrings and pearl necklaces before heading downstairs.

"You look pretty baby!" My mom said as she came up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Your pancakes and eggs are on the table."

"Thank you." I smiled at her and made my way over the dinner table, but was stopped by my Rottweiler puppy who was pouncing over to me, damn near knocking me down onto the floor as he latched his paws onto my dress for balance.

"Good mooorning Milo!" He gave my face a few licks as I gave him a few scratches behind his ear.

"Okayy, Milo I have to go eat now."

Which I was going to do until I noticed a devastating sight at the dinner table that brought a frown upon my face.

"Moooom," I groaned.


"You put the eggs on the same plate as the pancakes."

Many people don't see why this is an issue, including my mom, I mean both the pancakes and the eggs are gonna go into my mouth anyway, right? wrong. If the syrup I put on my pancakes touches the eggs even a little bit, this entire meal will be ruined for me. I got up and got a small bowl to transfer the eggs into.
After finishing the meal, I placed the strap of my purse over my shoulder, hugged my mom goodbye, and walked over to the aquarium since it's extremely close to where I live.

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