Plans with Aria (And My Twin Sister Finds Out About It)

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She asked for my number! She thinks I'm cool!

I tried to be normal about this, but I was giggling and kicking my feet in the air in my bedroom as the thought of Aria and all of the sea creatures we got to see played on loop inside my head. I've had people want absolutely nothing to do with me so many times throughout my life because they thought I was "weird", so it feels unusual that she thinks I'm cool since I wasn't masking my true self as much as I usually do when I meet someone new. It was good kind of unusual.

After taking the slip of paper that Aria gave me out of my purse, I added her number into my contacts and sent her a message.
                                      Aria 🦈
Jasmine: Heyyy it's Jasmine

Aria: Hey girl! I know I already said it but I had an extremely fun time today

Jasmine: I did too :)

Aria: There's this diner that I love going to that's only about 10 minutes away from the aquarium and they have the BEST burgers. Would you like to go there with me tomorrow around 1:00?

Jasmine: "I would love to but.. my mom and sister will both be working around that time so I won't have a ride

Aria: Not a problem, I'll come pick you up! Just send me your address

"Who ya textin?"

I jumped slightly and looked over at my doorway, seeing my sister Julia standing in it. I didn't even hear her open my door...

"Just this girl from school."

"I'm your twin sister, I know when you're lying. Also... you don't have any friends from school."

"Hey! No need to call me out like that." I laughed. "And also, I'm older than you."

"By two minutes!" She rolled her eyes with a smile and sat next to me on my bed.

Me and my fraternal twin sister knew each other like the back of our hands and would do anything for one another. It probably had a little to do with the fact that we were twins, but I had felt like our bond wasn't like your average pair of sisters it was.. so much more than that. So much stronger... I got made fun of behind my back and to my face a lot throughout my school years because I was different, but Julia always accepted me for all of my flaws and all of my quirks.

"Anyway. I was texting this girl named Aria. I met her at that new aquarium that opened up today and she's really cool!"

"OH EM GEE!" She screamed "OH EM GEE OH EM GEE OH EM GEE!"

I knew that this made her especially happy considering that she's my only friend.

"I'm so excited for you, Jas! So, do you plan on seeing her again?"

"Yeah I do

"YAYYAYYY!" She screamed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and started swinging me side to side. As annoying and extra as I felt like she was being, I couldn't help but smile because honestly... I was as happy about this as she was.

"Okay, okay.. That's enough." I chuckled and lightly pulled away. "I'm pretty excited about it, too. It would be kinda nice to hang out with someone new."

"Wowww so I'm not good enough for you anymore?" Julia asked sarcastically. "I'm hurt!"

"Girl get out. I'm about to wreak havoc in GTA Five until dinner time."

I played GTA five for a few hours, running into random civilians with my car and completing side quests, until my mom called Julia and I down for dinner. We had Spaghetti which I completely drenched in tomato sauce because to me it's no good when I don't. I told my mom about Aria and she had almost the same excited reaction of Julia.

"I'm so happy for you baby!" She exclaimed.

After about 30 minutes of the 3 of us chit chatting about nothing in particular, I left the dinner table after finishing my spaghetti. It was 10:30 at night so I gave Julia and my mom a goodnight hug and headed up to my room. I turned off my lights and tried to sleep, though I was pretty restless since I was gonna be hanging out with Aria tomorrow... I feel.. excited and anxious? I tried to shut off my racing thoughts just enough for me to be able to go to sleep. After about an hour, I finally let my consciousness go and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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