Christmas Dance

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Song playing ^ (Bitter and Sick - One Two)

The music starts
My ice skate moves
The skaters behind me follow


I count in my head

We start to crossover
And back to a triangle formation
I sing along in my head

Tears start to from in my eyes
Not because I'm sad
I just can't listen to slow or sad music without crying

But somehow I manage to stop myself
Only a minute left, Juliette
We form a line, one by one, we do a Lutz

We scatter, six of us doing a biellman so in, the other six a sit spin and after 20 seconds we switch
A few seconds left

We form a circle, hold hands, and spin, our hand smoving up and down
Ten seconds left
One by one we let go of eachoter and do a Salchow jump

And we bow
We hear claps and cheers
We get off the ice into the locker room
Someone knocks at the door

"Who is it?" One of the girl's yells
"Could I borrow Juliette, thanks"
I exit the door after putting my shoes on

"You skated well"
"It was just me, but thank you"
"Fine, then, you all skated well"

I smile
He looks in my right eye, then my lips, theny left eye
I get butterflies

"Good luck on your hockey game"
"Thanks, preziosa"
"Anytime" I hug him
He pauses for a moment

Crap I-
He wraps his hands around me, resting his arms on my shoulder blades
God I'm short compared to him

"See you at the dance?" He ask
I pause
"I don't think I'mma be going, I have no one to go with"

He nods
"I'll see you after break, then"
I nod
I enter the locker room

Two girls pulling eachoters hair
And lots of yelling
They stop

"Hi, leader" Blair says nervously
"I'm proud of y'all" I just say
They nod
"Now can someone explained what's happening?"

"So basically-"
I sit and listen to what she had to say

15 minutes later

"So.. In short terms, their play fighting because one insulted the others crush.."
Blair nods
"Like children of 4th grade.."

Blair nods again
I blink
"Okay" I get up and start fixing my hair
"Our last leader would have kicked us out the team for our 'unprofessional' acting"

"Fool, your last leader seems to strict"
"Winning was her goal, but she was just using us as a stepping stones"
"If I win, we win, because I wouldn't have without y'all" I smile

They smile back
"Here's a brush, you both look like brooms" they take the brush and laugh
Man, I love this team

After the figure skating dance

I lay in my bed after the show
I go on Instagram
The Christmas dance started like 20 minutes ago and lasts till 2am..if nothing goes wrong

Matteo already posted on Instagram
It's him and his friends,
All with girls,
Making a funny face

But to me that wasn't funny
I just felt... Empty
"Hope you're having fun!" I text Matteo
I know he won't answer until tomorrow.. Probably

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