V-card Gone Bitches

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The song she's listening too ^

Me and Matteo haven't spoken in two days after that kiss
Not because we feel awkward
Okay maybe because we feel awkward

But also because-... I don't have an excuse
And I don't know what that was all about
I don't hate it
It's just

Basically the whole school saw that he kissed me
I'm not mad thought.. Kinda
My phone buzzes

"You mad at me, luck bunny?"
"No :')"

"Why haven't you texted me D:<"
"Why haven't you texted ME? D:<"

I chuckle at our texts

"My hickey games today, you gon come?"

"Good, see you then, puck bunny"
"Cya, raccoon"

I sigh
He isn't mad, I'm not mad
I get ready for the game

The game starts at 3 PM
It is 11:30 PM
so I better hurry
I put my hair in the same look as yesterday

I listen to music and dance along
It's 2 PM
I smile and I rush to the car
"Come on papá!" I yell like a child again

Holy cow I was happy for a hockey game

Minnie and dad come
Minnie and I sit in the back seat
Mom in the passanger and dad drives
"Finally you're exited for a hockey game"

We get there and at 2:30 PM the door opens to let us in, we take the front seats
I smile, waiting to see him on the ice

Half hour later, seats filled, lights on
Heart pounding, smile on my face
3:20 PM, hockey players get on the ice
Getting to position as the announcer announces some more random stuff

He sports me
He smiles, it shows in his eyes
He shamelessly waves at me
I happily wave back at him

Minnie looking jealous of me
I blow him a kiss
He does the same
The announcement finishes

The puck drops
The game starts
"Titans! Titans!" The crown cheers
And for once in my life, I do too

The game went on for a bit
Period one ended with two goal, both by Matteo, the opposite team scoring one
They go to the benches to discuss tactics and all

Intermissions end
Period two

I cheer again
A guy gets a penalty for knocking over Koa
Koa looked pissed as hell

They played the second well
But they still have a third
Bloody intermissions

Matteo looks at me, smiles
I smile back

Third period
The puck drops
The game starts

We all cheer louder
Some cheer 'Tigers' some cheer 'Titan's
No ones scored for a good 15 minutes of the game
5 minutes

Everyone cheers louder
God I'm gonna lose my voice
Koa nearly scores
Koa's face turns to annoyance when he sees he doesn't score

One minute.
Lucian scores
The crowd nearly breaks my ear drums cheering

They get a small break again, before the overtime period, as both teams had 4 points
The game starts
At this point I sorta zone out

But Matteo was looking to hot to fully zone o- you heard nothing.

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