Chapter 9

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Shigaraki was currently contemplating his life choices when he woke up, he was met with a surprising site of Asia laying on his right side and Raynare on his left while on his chest was Toga if anyone could see him in this situation currently they would see him blushing profusely he carefully moved his way out of his bedroom and into the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead once he had made his way downstairs he had noticed Dabi sitting in the living room drinking a cup of coffee. His parents were nowhere to be seen. They were currently on an around the world trip that he had provided for them.

Dabi: Oh I see the harem king has finally woken up

Shigaraki: Don't get me started also you, Toga and Asia have school now starting today

Yes on top of getting Dabi and Toga enrolled into Kuoh Sona was able to get Asia in very quickly Shigaraki was very grateful for what she had done

Dabi: Ha ha, Wait your being serious?

Shigaraki: Yes I am, Oh and school starts in 20 Minutes so you might wanna go get yourselves ready

Shigaraki then left the house smiling on his way out while Dabi was pissed off at him He rushed upstairs and practically dragged Toga out of bed in order to get her ready for the day


Teacher: ok classs today we have two new students, so please be on your best behavior now come in

The teacher called for the two new students to come in when the girls saw Dabi some of them past out from how gorgeous he was. As for the boys there were exotic that they were getting a new hot girl.

Teacher: Now please introduce yourselves

Dabi: My name is Dabi Todoroki, please to meet you

Toga: My name is Himiko Toga, Heya

Asia: My name is Asia Argento it's a so nice to meet you all

Teacher: Now then do any of you have questions for our new students

Almost everyone in the class raised their hand immediately

RB: Himiko-San, Do you have a boyfriend?

Toga: Nope not currently but there is someone I am interested in

She then glanced at Shigaraki and winked at him which did not go unnoticed by the boys which caused them to glare at him

RG: Todoroki-San where do you live?

Dabi mischievous look on his face, which did not go unnoticed by Shigaraki who was sweating profusely

Dabi: Oh well currently me, Toga and Asia are staying at Shigarakis place

This caused the classroom to go into utter chaos. Dabi could only laugh at the chaos he had caused. Asia tried to calm down to everyone but to no avail,
Shigaraki was cursing to himself under his breath because he knew this was payback for What he did this morning


It was currently the end of the day and the chaos had died down but it spread like wildfire that Shigaraki had two beaut is staying at his house. Currently the group was making their way towards the ORC as Rias had something she wanted to discuss with them. When they had walked in they were Greeted with the club members

Rias: Ah Shigaraki thanks for agreeing to come, now on to the matter at hand me and my peerage were planning on going to the familiar Forest and I was wondering if you and your friends would like to come

Shigaraki: What's a familiar?

Akeno: Familars are monsters that us devils make contracts with

She then summoned her Familar which was a few tiny imp like creatures. Followed by Rias whose was the same bat like creature which handed him the flyer, Konekos was a small white cat which cause Toga to rush towards it and pet it, Lastly Kiba summon a hawk which perched itself on his shoulder.

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