Chapter 15

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It was something all to familiar to many. but to one individual it was the turning point in their life. Grayfia Lucifuge had lived through two wars the first two on was the Great War between all of three major biblical factions. The second and most significant was the New Satan faction vs the Anti Satan faction. She was fighting for the Anti Satan faction she had killed many but on one day she had met someone who would change her life. Standing infront of her was a young Sirzechs Gremory. She had faced him before but every time she did something was always up with her. During the battle she was on her knees injured. She was ready to accept her fate and die. But death never came instead she was offered a hand by her enemy. She was confused on why he was doing this. but then she heard the words that would change her life

Sirzechs: Why am I doing this? It's because I love you.

She was completely taken a back by his words. She then started to think how every time they met she would always feel her heart racing faster than usual. Then soon after the two started meeting in Secret and deepened the relationship between each other. After a while Grayfia had decided to join the New Satan faction. They were finally able to push back the Anti Satan faction. After years of being together they decided to marry each other. Not everyone was okay with their relationship but they were soon put to ease when they saw how powerful she was. After all power was almost everything to their race. After years of being together they had decided to have a baby. Devils are known for their low birth rate but by some miracle they were able to have one. Unfortunately their first child did not possess any demonic energy. It hurt her as a mother to abandon her child. But she however knew that he would be persecuted she had heard what had happened to the young Heir of the Bael family. She didn't want the same thing to happen to her son. So they left there soon in a shrine in Japan and never looked back. After covering up the situation saying that he had died at birth they started trying again to have another child. After many years they were able to have another child. Thankfully their new son which they had named Millicas had massive amounts of demonic energy. Everything was going well for them that was until. He had shown up when she had first met him it was as if she was seeing an older version of her first born son. Then when he had reappeared to save her sister in law. That's when he had revealed that he was indeed their first born son. Currently we see both her, Sirzechs and Millicas as well as his mother Venelana Gremory and his father Zeoticus Gremory and lastly Rias and Akeno. All of them were currently in a meeting room discussing the recent revelation. The atmosphere around them was tense no said a word until.

Venelana: So how come I was informed about my first born Grandson?

Sirzechs: We had no choice he didn't have any demonic energy!

Venelana: Oh is that so! Well I guess I must be getting old considering he was able to use our clan's signature P.O.D

The room fell silent Grayfia was starting to shed a few tears. Sirzechs was trying to comfort his wife. Meanwhile Millicas had snuck off to who knows where. Then Akeno had remembered something Dabi had told her.


During a break they had taken during their training. Akeno had decided to ask a question she had been wondering for a while now

Akeno: How did you and Toga meet Shigaraki?

Dabi had to think carefully on how to explain this. Considering that the three of them were not from this world.

Dabi: The three of us had met from a mutual contact of ours. At first none of us trusted each other. But soon after we got to know about our struggles we grew to trust each other.

Akeno nodded at his response. She had one more question she wanted to ask.

Akeno: One last question, Shigaraki is adopted yes, what do you know about his birth parents?

Dabi remember when he and Toga were told by Shigaraki that has birth parents had abandoned him. It first both of them were pissed but after Shigaraki told them he didn't hate them for what they did they were confused. He had explained to them that power was everything to devils so having two of the strongest people in hells son to be weak was unheard of.

Dabi: I know he told me that he was abandoned when he was a baby but he also told me he doesn't have any ill will towards them.

(Flashback Over)

Akeno: Um I don't know if this will help but when I was talking to one of his friends he had told me he didn't hate his parents for abandoning him.

Everyone in the room was stunned most especially Grayfia and Sirzechs.
They had thought for all their life that if their son was still alive that he would hate them with every fiber in his body.


Currently Shigaraki was watching T.V in the living room while petting Kuroka who was in her cat form. He had also changed his hair back to his light blue color. He then heard the door bell and decided to go see who it was. Meanwhile Kuroka had ran off to hide sensing who was at the door. He opened the door and was surprised by who was there. Standing infront of him was a small red haired boy.

???: Big brother you're alive!

The child then hugged him which made him even more confused. But then he had remembered that he heard his mother and father had another son. He had heard that they treat him like a prince. Probably to make themselves feel better after what they did to him.

Shigaraki: Your Millicas right?

Millicas: Yes big bro!

Shigaraki could only chuckle to himself from his brother's response. He then invited him inside to hangout.

(Back at the Gremory manner)

We still currently see them discussing on how to move forward with the new information. Suddenly Grayfia had noticed something.

Grayfia: Where did Millicas go!?

End Of Chapter.......

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