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{Trigger Warnings}
•Hints of murder
•Mention possessive behavior
•Slightly suggestive themes

{Alternate Universe}

Vincent was pleased, but not satisfied. He was a man with means, always taking everything seriously, especially when it came to hunting down bandits. Part of him found the whole chase thrilling. It made him feel like a predator hunting down its prey.

When it comes to taking down the incompetent bandits, he has a bit of fun with them. He was brutal. He always made sure they had few injuries before making sure they fell unconscious, but still alive. When it came to getting the job down, not once did he ever show any sort of mercy to the thieves. However, the same can't be said for his partner.

Rody was an interesting case, one that Vincent wouldn't mind dissecting. Rody was rather strong, being able to hold himself against a hand to hand fight. However, when it came to using his gun, Vincent had taken note that he only used it when he had to. Otherwise, he would try a more peaceful approach. To say it irked Vincent would be a huge understatement. He always had to resist the urge to grab the shorter male by the back of his head and ram it into the closest wall, wood or rock, he didn't care.

Other than wanting to bash the dogs head into a wall, he found Rody quite an strange character. Rody was someone who wore his heart on his sleeves, being filled with so much emotion it made Vincent reevaluate his life choices on having to put up with such a man. He's never met a man like Rody. He was obedient at times, a bit loud and at times brash.

He made up for these minor flaws by being positive and a bit confused from time to time, something that made Vincent amused at the start, but quickly grew to become an annoying habit to repeat himself to the dog. He was unserious and was always trying to find another solution, something Vincent would've respected if it made Rody naive at the worst time.

However, he does give the dog praise when he actually says something somewhat intelligent. He always noticed how Rody would become energetic and ecstatic —wagging his tail if he had one— at the slightest of praise. It made Vincent's rotting heart beat a little. In the past he had a few lovers, flings here and there, but none of them made Vincent feel anything. No connection, no attraction, no sparks. Nothing. He never got attached to anyone he came across like he has with Rody. Something inside of him was set on fire when he had first met the incompetent man.

Over the years that Vincent could function without needing to lean on anyone, he had grown up to hate men that were like Rody. He hated everything about them, and never found it interesting or appealing about them. When it came to Rody, though, something shifted. He found himself engrossed in the obedient dog.

He would find himself lending an ear when the shorter male would go off in small tangents (something he found a bit enduring) and would give out his thoughts and opinions to the male, even if they were harsh and cold. It had only been months since Vincent started working with Rody, and yet, he found himself obsessed, possessive with the older adult.

It baffled him to no end. He still remembers the first day they had met and how he found himself getting quite comfortable with his body pressing against Rody's whenever he had the chance to. He still remembers how he saved Rody from that bitch, Elanor. He had just gotten done speaking to Manon's father and found himself a bit too gleeful to go back inside and get to know Rody, even buy him a few drinks until he was loopy to see how acted when intoxicated. Things didn't go to plan, however.

Once he had saved his partner and bid him goodnight, Vincent went on a side hustle for himself. He had gone back to the bar and spied on Elanor until she left, which he was silent when he had followed her back to her small, sad little home. Long story short, Elanor wouldn't be harassing Rody anymore and had been properly disposed of.

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