
760 11 39

{Trigger Warnings}
•Suggestive themes
•Sexual Tension
•Talk of past murder
•Minor underage drinking
•Mention child abuse
•Slight hints of possession

{Alternate Universes}
•High school

Rody felt his skin crawl, gagging at the way he smelled. He turned around and found that the two jocks, Richard and Felix, along with one of the popular girls, Claudia, were down on the cow field he was escaping from. Felix had Claudia pinned to the ground, ravishing her exposed skin with kisses as she wither underneath him, letting out small mewls and moans. Whereas Richard gave up on trying to talk Rody into doing activities with him, in favor of getting wasted with the booze he'd brought along with him.

Rody shuddered at the thought as he kept climbing up the small hill, grumbling to himself as he felt both disgusting and done with the three below. The only reason Rody came with Claudia for this supposedly double date was because she was his friend, at least, to some degree. So, wanting to be a good friend, Rody reluctantly went even though he would've rather been with Vincent. However, he forgot how irritating both Felix and Richard were. Especially Richard.

Felix was an inch shorter than Richard. His blonde hair was brushed back, looking like a lot of gel was put into it in order to make it the way it was. He had fair skin as he wore sunglasses constantly, even during night which made Rody slightly judge the male. He was constantly laid back, making Rody suspect he was constantly on something due to how he acted daily. He always had a girl in his facility, whether he wanted a kiss them or to take her someone more private for pleasure reasons. His prime picking was Claudia due to her status.

Then there was Richard, the worst out of the two in Rody's opinion. He was taller than Felix, constantly standing tall and proud, as if he owned whatever place he set foot in. He had chocolate, slightly curly hair with his tan skin being smooth, as his eyes were a muddy brown color. He was very insensitive, never once respecting anyone's boundaries as he would crush it just by existing.

He was an asshole to those around him, especially towards Rody even after he joined the queen bees of the school. He was always provoking someone, whether he did it unintentionally or not. No matter what, someone would leave the conversation ashamed or ready to explode. Never once was it the brunette who left in a negative way, but in a smug manner.

Glancing over his shoulder, Rody watched as Felix and Cluadia had their tops off. They were skin on skin with one another, with Felix leaving kisses and bites all along her body, staring from her chest. All while Richard being to his own devices as he consumed the alcohol he had brought for him and Felix, with Claudia having a few sips. Shaking his head, Rody continued upward until a heavy smell of nicotine infiltrated his noses.

He glanced up and saw a motorcycle parked with a figure standing in front of it. They were tall, with their perfect raven hair glistening as the headlights on the motorcycle shined behind him. He was an inch or two taller than Rody, with a cancer stick stuck between his smooth, thin lips. His beady eyes staring into Rody's greenish-gray ones. He noted they held no emotion other than possessiveness.

The raven was wearing a black trench coat, with a black turtleneck underneath that was accompanied by a pair of black pants, making it so he could blend into the shadows easily. He was giving the shorter male an unamused look as he removed the stick from his lips, Rody watching as gray smoke came out of his nose as he shook his head once he got a small glimpse of the auburn's state.

"Well, don't you look like shit." The tall male spoke, a slight hint of amusement laced in his voice.

"It's not funny, Vince." Rody huffed as he trips over himself, being caught by Vincent before he had the chance to tumble backwards. Rody felt his face heat up a bit at how close they were. "T-Thanks."

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