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Walking into the base you've been stationed at, seems alright. Posh. Too clean compared to boot camp, a little too much off beat to what you're now used to but you shrugged it off. Hopefully you'll be in an area, or something more "homey". Strolling further into base, and on your phone reading an email your staff Sargent sent you with room assignments and duties. Quickly finding your room, the corners confuse you just a little bit but one thing came popping up. A very tall man at the end of the hall.. but not following you, he's ahead. Far ahead, like he knew you would turn this corner. You noticed but paid no mind as either he'll introduce himself or you'll find out some other way eventually. Finding your room, you got into it finding it needing a makeover ASAP. You sigh and slump  into a surprisingly comfortable three seater couch. Thin but new? Like it came that way. Bags by the door, you took a second before getting up, to organize and familiar yourself to your now; new home. Finally doing so, you get to business. Phone on ringer and music on. An hour in of putting stuff away and making the place look pretty, you get a text.

"New Text Message From Unknown Number:

"Welcome to TaskForce141, y/n."

You just got to base. You haven't spoken to anyone yet. Who is this? A second text came through.

"There's a meeting tonight in the conference room, hope to see you there. -P"

You stood there looking at your phone puzzled, not even your drill sergeant from boot camp told you any of this. You simply replied with a thumbs up emoji and flipped your phone down on the bed. You thought, maybe you should ask for directions, or look for this "P" guy before hand. Looking at your room and the mess you made, you decided to pass on looking for him and asking for directions. You'll find your way by ear. Turning off your music and continuing in silence. Just another hour goes by and you finally finish cleaning and organizing, you decide to shower, relax and roam around. Showering and doing your hair to look presentable for this unknown location meeting on base. Putting on your fitted uniform and dry fit. Your most confortable boots, and started to head out. Hours go by as your roaming and your feet start to get ache just the tiniest bit. You decide to grab a snack and head back to your room. Taking notes on where things were, like the in-house gym and armory. Finding peace noting them down, knowing you'll be there on your free time. Grabbing free protein bars at the cafe on your way. Getting into your room and setting up your tablet to watch some easier accessible TV. Time went by and you started to hear footsteps, multiple of them in the hallway. You checked the time. 9:50 pm. Having a gut feeling to head out also, the hallway is the only one to common areas such as the conference room. You waited until the doorsteps got close and a little ahead for you to get out and follow behind. Opening the door, not surprising but eye opening to see four large men walking by. Not a female in sight. You roll your eyes, and hope for the best. Not one looked back, but something started to happen as you reached the end of the hall. They all stepped aside to let you go forward.

"Ladies first" a thick Scottish accented man said
"Thank you" you said almost instinctively, not skipping a beat to your stepping
"Heading to the meeting also?" Another said
"Indeed I am" you replied, luckily you roamed the base first before hand, now you know your way and not look like a complete fool. A female in an all male team, in a male dominated job is very crucial for a woman. No mistakes and no delays allowed if you want to be seen as equals here, regardless of rank. Yes, you'll get the respect, rank is what you get from hard work and dedication BUT woman are always seen as weak, useless and incapable especially in this "world", aka the military. You lead the group to the conference room, grabbing the door and gesturing the first man in.

"Ladies first" you smirked, the Scottish guy grinned "I like this one already, Cap" he said almost shouting as he walks into the room. The rest follows promptly and you close the door behind you.

"This is y/n, our sniper and eyes in the sky, she specializes in UAVs, and Ordnance. Have questions or concerns?"
The group stays silent for a brief moment.
"What's your call sign?" One man asked
Confused, you still answer "I don't have one.." you reply
"You'll soon get one" another says.
"And yours?" You question
"I'm Captain John Price, this is Ghost, you can see why. This is Soap, Roach and König, we are TaskForce 141. Welcome to the team, Y/n."

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