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THE minutes tick by slowly as Mr. Gomez's Monotonous voice droned on, the words blending into an incomprehensible blur. Despite my best efforts to focus, my mind kept drifting back to the confrontation with Alhaitham.

The heated echoes of our exchange still rang in my mind like a grand bell. 

I stared blankly at the chalkboard, the words seemed to merge before more eyes. They just looked like jumbled messes of indecipherable symbols. The exhaustion of my sleepless night was starting to weigh a burden on me.

Hu Tao was right. I should've just let her shut my eyes and sleep. After all, maybe that stupid moron Alhaitham wouldn't have bothered me. 

Now, here I was. Letting the fatigue of exhaustion consume me.

Beside me, Hu Tao fidgeted relentlessly, her gaze flickering between the clock and Mr. Gomez who was growing impatient with the constant bickering of his students.

It seems for the both of us, that the next few minutes were stretching into what felt like an eternity. Each passing minute felt like a light year away as I fought to keep my eyelids from drooping. 

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and releasing us from the grip of Mr Gomez's shitty lectures. With a collective sigh of relief, students rose from their seats eager to escape the suffocating confinements of the small classroom.

As I forced myself up from my seat and gathered my belongings, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning, I found Hu Tao who was watching me with a concerned expression. Her eyes filled with unspoken worry. 

"Hey, are you okay?" she questioned, her voice soft with genuine concern. "I know I told you not to bug me if you got exhausted, but you look like you're ready to collapse any moment now." 

I offered her a weak smile. If I were any more energized it would've been a brighter one but I was suffocating under the weight of my exhaustion.

"I'm fine," I reassured her.

I looked her in the eyes, and she gave me an I'm-not-dumb look.

I sighed, my facade of composure crumbling in the face of her unwavering empathy. "It's just Alhaitham. You know how he gets on my nerves." I admitted reluctantly, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. "He always knows exactly how to get under my skin." 

Hu Tao nodded in understanding, her expression mirroring my frustration. "I know what you mean," she replied, her voice tinged with sympathy. "He can be such a jerk sometimes." 

Despite my best efforts to maintain a sense of carelessness, the memory of our heated exchange still burned brightly in my mind, a constant source of unease.

As we started to make our way through the bustling hallways, dodging students and stray backpacks that ranged in sizes, the weight of my exhaustion served as a constant reminder to just let go of the memory and save my energy for other things.

"You know," Hu Tao said suddenly, interrupting the silence that had settled in my mind.

"Maybe we should try talking to Alhaitham. I mean, it couldn't hurt right?"

I glanced at her, my dead face turning into one with lively features as I stared at her in shock. "Talk to Alhaitham?" I repeated, the notion seeming absurd in any circumstances. "Are you crazy?"

Hu Tao shrugged, her expression unreadable. "Why not?" she replied. "Maybe if we can clear the air, things won't be so tense between you two."

Despite her optimism, the idea of confronting Alhaitham filled me with rage. The thought of facing that jerk again sent a burning sensation down my nape.

But as I watched Hu Tao's expression, a resolve flickered inside my chest. Maybe she was right. Maybe it was time to confront the source of my constant frustration face to face.

With a shake of my head, I disagreed with Hu Tao. "I appreciate your concern Hu Tao, but I don't think talking to Alhaitham is a good idea. His head is too thick of his ideas." I spoke firmly.

"It'll just make things more complicated than they already are."

Hu Tao's expression faltered, her almond eyes clouded with disappointment. "But Y/N-" She protested, her voice tinged with frustration.

I shook my head, not allowing any more objections. "No Hu Tao. I appreciate your suggestion but I'd rather not waste any more energy on such a strong-witted person." I insisted. "Let's just get through the day."

With that, I turned away into the staircase that led to my next-period class. This left Hu Tao to marinate in her thoughts. Deep down, I knew that confronting Alhaitham wasn't a risk I was willing to take.

Some wounds have been around for far too long to the point that they wouldn't be healed by mere words.

After a few minutes, the bell rang, signaling the end of hallway chaos and the beginning of our next class. I took a deep breath to clear my mind and steeled myself for the problem that lay ahead. 

As I stepped into the classroom, the familiar sight of rows of desks and a chalkboard greeted me. Yet my attention was immediately drawn to the figure seated at the back of the room.

There he was, Alhaitham. Who was still casting his regular shadow in the corner he always sat in.

Despite my best efforts to ignore him, I could feel his gaze burning into the back of my head, a silent reminder of the tension that simmered between us for the past four years. With each passing moment, the weight of his gaze made my shoulders feel heavier. 

As the minutes dragged on, the atmosphere in the classroom grew awfully stiff. The tension between Alhaitham and I was starting to reach a boiling point. 

And just as the tension threatened to reach its breaking point, the door swung open, and our teacher entered the room. His presence instantly commanded attention, to which every student gave.

Relief washed over me as the focus shifted from the silent battle between me and Alhaitham to the task at hand.

The lesson progressed slowly, the teacher's voice becoming a blur to me as I fought the urge to doze off.

"The project will require you to work closely with your assigned partner" The words cut through my daydream, and instantly my head lifted.

Another project? Archons... I don't think I'll be able to go to the gym this week then.

"I've already determined the groups. Please pay attention to your assigned partners."

A ripple of disappointed groans swept through the classroom as students shared upset glances since they could no longer pair with the accomplices of their choice.

My heartbeat began to slightly pick up, and I crossed my fingers hoping I wouldn't get paired with the grey-haired sitting horizontally from me.

For a moment, the classroom seemed to blur around me as the teacher decided on the final duo for our first project.

"And finally," the teacher continued, "Y/N, you'll be working with Alhaitham."

1173 words (note: sorry for the short chapter)

Author edit note: the first chapter was re-edited so if this chapter doesn't make sense to you at all go reread the first one

𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗬 - 𝘼𝙇𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙈 (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now